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The Majestic Power of an Ocean Storm

A Poetic Tribute to the Raw Beauty of Nature's Fury

By Nikhil ThalePublished about a year ago 1 min read
The Majestic Power of an Ocean Storm
Photo by Axel Antas-Bergkvist on Unsplash

The ocean roars and churns,

As waves crash against the shore.

The wind whips through the air,

A symphony of fury and more.

The sky is dark and heavy,

With clouds of gray and black.

The thunder rumbles loudly,

Echoing through the storm's attack.

The lightning strikes in flashes,

A brilliant burst of light.

The rain pours down in sheets,

A deluge of sound and sight.

Yet amidst this chaotic scene,

There is a beauty to behold.

The power of the storm is raw,

A sight to leave one's soul controlled.

For in the midst of nature's rage,

There is a sense of awe and wonder.

As the ocean storm displays its power,

We can't help but feel it's a grand gesture.

The majesty of the ocean storm,

Is an experience like no other.

A reminder of the beauty and power,

Of Mother Nature's raw splendor.

So let us stand and watch in awe,

As the storm shows off its might.

A testament to the majesty of nature,

A sight that fills us with delight.

nature poetry

About the Creator

Nikhil Thale

I am a tech enthusiast and blogger with a passion for exploring the latest advancements in technology. I understand that choosing the right laptop or PC can be a daunting task, I also write poems in my free time.

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