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The Magic of Imagination

A Whimsical Adventure in Verse

By ZenitsuPublished about a year ago 1 min read
The Magic of Imagination
Photo by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger on Unsplash

Long time ago, in a far-off land
There lived a girl with a magic hand
She could create anything she pleased
With her mind and imagination, she was never at ease

She painted rainbows and unicorns too
And mermaids swimming in oceans of blue
She made a castle, tall and grand
And filled it with candy, oh so grand!

She rode on dragons and soared through the air
She fought off monsters without a care
She danced with fairies and sang with birds
She spoke to animals without any words

Before she went to sleep every night
She dreamed up new adventures to keep
Her magic world alive and bright
A place where anything was possible, both day and night

So let your imagination soar high
And let your creativity never die
For the magic of the mind is the greatest of all
And it's waiting for you, just answer the call.

childrens poetryexcerpts

About the Creator


My name is Zenitsu and I have a passion for poetry. As a poet, I aim to evoke emotions, paint vivid imagery, and transport my readers to another world through my words.

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