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The Ideal Man

we all long to teach.

By Moharif YuliantoPublished 17 days ago 2 min read
The Ideal Man
Photo by Ehud Neuhaus on Unsplash

The ideal man, a concept spun in dreams,

Not sculpted features, but of noble themes.

No chiseled jaw, nor eyes of piercing blue,

But depths of kindness, ever strong and true.

His strength lies not in muscles, though they hold,

The power to protect, when stories unfold.

But in the strength of character, a guiding light,

That shines with courage, through the darkest night.

His touch a comfort, firm yet gentle hand,

A steadfast anchor on life's shifting sand.

He speaks not just with words, but deeds that prove,

A heart that's loyal, and a boundless love.

His mind, a tapestry with wisdom spun,

Where knowledge dances, battles fought and won.

He listens deeply, with an open ear,

And offers solace, banishing all fear.

He doesn't boast of conquests, past or grand,

But celebrates the victories in another's hand.

He sees the potential, where others turn away,

And fans the spark, for dreams to find their way.

His humor dances, light and ever bright,

Chasing away shadows, with laughter's gentle light.

He sees the joy in simple things around,

And finds the beauty, on even common ground.

He's not afraid of tears, a wellspring deep,

For empathy resides, where emotions sleep.

He shares the burdens, both heavy and light,

And carries them with grace, throughout the night.

He dreams of a future, not for just himself,

But hand in hand, a world where all find shelf.

He fights for justice, with unwavering voice,

A champion for the voiceless, with a passionate choice.

He isn't perfect, flaws etched upon his soul,

A testament to lessons learned, that make him whole.

He stumbles, falls, and rises with a grin,

For in his imperfections, true growth begins.

This ideal man, a tapestry to weave,

Not found in fairytales, but in acts we believe.

He resides in kindness, in strength that's never cold,

A love that's fierce and true, a story to be told.

So let us search not for a face or form,

But for the qualities that make a heart feel warm.

For the ideal man, resides within our reach,

A reflection of the good, we all long to teach.


About the Creator

Moharif Yulianto

a freelance writer and thesis preparation in his country, youtube content creator, facebook

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