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The dreamer's songs

And all about dreams

By Antonio MadrugadaPublished 7 months ago 14 min read
The dreamer's songs
Photo by Илья Мельниченко on Unsplash


Dream on dear

My darling

Everything you have

Done, and dared today

Is going to be

Reverted tomorrow.

Don’t be sad,

Don’t feel yesterday

But live tomorrow

But only if

you allow it.

Because it is


Under your control

With this tale,

My birdy Spring.

Remember this always

That everything you

Say or do,

Everything is going

To have a reflection



Everything without exceptions

Not ever again

You will feel

The daunting pain


You will forever


Everything you do

It’s going to

be driven around

The carpe Diem.

You must believe

in yourself, only

In your dreams

Every single day.

If you don’t

No one will

Ever believe

Nor believe

In what you


Because your dreams

Are your dreams.

In your dreams

They will be

Only purely yours

Because no one

Will ever care

About you did

Nor about your


Only you are


To fulfil them,


You are capable

To fill them.

Make them come


Be sure always

Or you're going

To regret forever.

Remember the dreams

You have had

They are your dreams



Dreams take flight,

Stars ignite, shining bright,

Love's sweet delight.

Oh, dreams! Ethereal visions of the mind,

That weave tales of wonder, hopes intertwined.

In the depths of slumber, you come alive,

Unveiling worlds where possibilities thrive.

With closed eyes, I embark on a grand flight,

Into realms of fantasy, where day turns to night.

Through starlit skies and uncharted lands,

Dreams lead me to where imagination expands.

Dreams, you are the architects of my desires,

Building castles of hope that the heart aspires.

You paint portraits of what could be,

Guiding me to the person I long to see.


In dreams, I chase the sun as it kisses the sea,

Dancing with shadows in a joyous spree.

I dive into oceans, weightless and free,

Exploring the depths where mermaids be.


Dreams, you're a symphony, a melody pure,

Where every note echoes, forever endure.

You compose the soundtrack of my soul,

A harmonious blend that makes me whole.


Through dreams, I meet souls from distant lands,

Sharing stories, holding each other's hands.

Together we roam through ancient times,

Discovering secrets, unravelling rhymes.


Dreams, you're the canvas where colours bloom,

A tapestry woven with passion's loom.

In strokes of brilliance, visions unfold,

A masterpiece painted in stories untold.


Dreams, you're a sanctuary, a sacred retreat,

Where the wounded heart finds solace and heat.

You heal the wounds of life's bitter strife,

Breathing hope, restoring faith in life.


Within dreams, I'm a poet, words flow like streams,

Ink spills, creating verses like sunbeams.

The power of language, in dreams it abounds,

Capturing emotions, with each word it resounds.


Oh, dreams! Your wings carry me high,

Through the vast expanse of an endless sky.

You gift me the courage to reach for the stars,

To chase my aspirations, no matter how far.


Dreams, you're the elixir that fuels my soul,

A source of inspiration that makes me whole.

You're the fire that ignites my inner flame,

Filling my spirit with an unquenchable aim.


In dreams, I've witnessed love's tender embrace,

Felt the warmth of a smile on a beloved's face.

You bring together kindred spirits and hearts,

Unifying souls, even when worlds drift apart.


Dreams, you're a reminder of what can be,

A mirror reflecting the potential in me.

You whisper secrets, urging me to believe,

That every dream pursued, I can achieve.


Through dreams, I've traveled to distant shores,

Explored ancient cities, opened long-closed doors.

I've stood atop mountains, feeling the wind's embrace,

Witnessing the beauty of Earth's sacred space.


Dreams, you're a teacher, a wise guide,

Unfolding lessons as I journey inside.

You nurture growth, expand horizons vast,

Empowering me to face challenges steadfast.


Oh, dreams! How you ignite the spark,

In the depths of my being, you leave your mark.

You kindle passions, fuel ambition's fire,

Urging me to reach higher and higher.


Through dreams, I've seen the world anew,

Perceiving its beauty in a vibrant hue.

You've shown me that within each night's embrace,

Lies the potential for a brighter day's grace.


Dreams, you're the lullaby that soothes my fears,

Whispering reassurances, wiping away tears.

You cradle my worries, gently easing the pain,

Infusing my spirit with hope once again.


In dreams, I've danced with the moon and the stars,

Lost in a celestial waltz, free from all scars.

You've taught me that boundaries are mere illusion,

And that dreams possess limitless fusion.


Dreams, you're the catalyst for boundless creation,

A realm where ideas find their incarnation.

Through your infinite palette, imagination takes flight,

Transforming visions into tangible light.


Oh, dreams! You've witnessed my deepest yearning,

Unveiling desires that were secretly burning.

You've shown me the path to self-discovery,

Embracing authenticity and inner harmony.


In dreams, I've tasted the sweetness of success,

Felt the euphoria of triumph, pure happiness.

You've taught me resilience, to persevere,

And that failures are stepping stones, not to fear.


Dreams, you're the whispers of the universe's call,

Guiding me towards destiny's destined hall.

You nudge me towards purpose, my true vocation,

Unveiling the map to my soul's navigation.


Through dreams, I've witnessed the bonds of unity,

As humanity comes together in perfect harmony.

You remind me of the power of compassion's sway,

And the strength that lies in unity's display.


Dreams, you're the bridge that connects all souls,

Uniting us in aspirations, making us whole.

You transcend borders, language, and race,

Celebrating the beauty of our shared space.


Oh, dreams! You're the sanctuary of hope's embrace,

A refuge in a world oftentimes misplaced.

You remind me that amidst life's complex scheme,

Hope remains eternal, like a radiant beam.


In dreams, I find solace, a gentle reprieve,

A sanctuary where my heart can believe.

You teach me that even in darkness, there's light,

And that dreams hold the power to make things right.


Dreams, you're the symphony that plays in my heart,

A melody that transcends both time and art.

Through your orchestration, I find my voice,

Expressing emotions that words can't rejoice.

In the ethereal realm of slumber’s embrace,

Where fantasies dance and realities erase,

A world unfolds, vibrant and serene,

Where wishes take flight, unburdened, unseen.

Oh, dreams! Mysterious tapestries of the mind,

Whispering secrets, where truths we find,

In nocturnal landscapes, where we roam,

Untethered by logic, freely we roam.

With closed eyes, we embark on a grand voyage,

Through boundless realms, unbridled collage,

Where time and space bend to our will,

And imagination reigns, unbounded and still.

Dreams, oh dreams, you are the door,

That leads us where our hearts long to explore,

In your embrace, we are set free,

From the chains of reality, we flee.

In the depths of night, you softly unfurl,

In the tapestry of dreams, every soul is a pearl,

Visions cascading in kaleidoscope hues,

A symphony of emotions, where love accrues.

Dreams, sweet dreams, like a delicate song,

Weaving melodies as we journey along,

Through corridors of memories and desires,

Bathing us in passions, igniting fires.

In the realm of dreams, time has no reign,

Minutes or hours, they meld and wane,

Eternity’s grasp, an ephemeral embrace,

As we navigate worlds, full of grace.

In dreams, we find solace, a respite so rare,

From life’s complexities and burdens we bear,

A sanctuary where hopes can take flight,

And nightmares dissolve in the morning’s light.

Oh, dreams! Fragments of the subconscious mind,

Where shadows dance and secrets unwind,

You hold the power to heal and inspire,

To fuel the embers of creativity’s fire.

Through dreams, we commune with the divine,

Whispers from beyond, a sacred shrine,

In the silence of slumber, mysteries unfold,

Revealing secrets, stories yet untold.

Dreams, oh dreams, you shape our souls,

Guiding us towards our destined roles,

In your embrace, we find inspiration’s seed,

To nourish the spirit, to fulfill our need.

From lofty visions to humble desires,

From whispered longings to artistic spires,

Dreams are the canvas where we paint,

Our deepest fears and joys, without restraint.

Oh, dreams! We chase your elusive embrace,

Seeking solace in the vastness of space,

In your realm, we find the strength to strive,

To make our waking world come alive.

Dreams, sweet dreams, both gentle and wild,

A tapestry woven, where wonders are compiled,

In the theatre of slumber, we find release,

And the promise of a world, at eternal peace.

Though the morning comes, dreams may fade,

Their essence lingers, like a serenade,

Whispering echoes of what once has been,

A symphony of reveries, forever seen.



oh dreams,

we owe you our praise,

For the magic you bring,

in infinite ways,

Through sleep’s sweet surrender,

we reclaim,

The essence of being,

the power to dream again.

In the deepest

realms of slumber's embrace,

where reality gives

way to the ethereal,

a magical tapestry unfolds.

It is here that dreams dance,

unfettered by the constraints

of time and space.

They come to us

as whispers of the subconscious,

revealing the secrets

of our hearts

and the desires of our souls.


Dreams, those enigmatic companions of the night, possess the power to transport us beyond the boundaries of our mundane existence and awaken the dormant seeds of imagination.

Within the realm of dreams, possibilities abound like shimmering stars in an endless sky. We traverse the landscapes of fantasy, transcending the limitations of our waking lives. In dreams, we find solace from the burdens of reality, embarking on odysseys of the mind, where every step is an adventure and every thought a revelation.


Sometimes, dreams

take the shape

of nostalgic vignettes,

revisiting the cherished

moments of our past.

They allow us to reconnect

with forgotten faces,

relive the tender warmth

of an embrace,

and savours the bittersweet

symphony of a long-lost melody.

In these reveries,

time stands still,

and we are free to linger

in the embrace of memory,

treasuring the remnants

of a time gone by.


Yet dreams are not confined to mere reminiscence; they are also the architects of the future. Like an artist with a blank canvas, they paint visions of what could be, unearthing buried aspirations and igniting the embers of hope. In the realm of dreams, we transcend our limitations, defying gravity and the boundaries of what is considered possible. Dreams, in their infinite generosity, offer us a glimpse of the extraordinary within the mundane.

In dreams, we confront the shadows that lurk within our subconscious, grappling with fears and insecurities that haunt our waking hours. They thrust us into the heart of darkness, where the demons we dare not face are laid bare. But dreams are not sinister; they are our allies, guiding us through the labyrinth of our fears, providing a platform for growth and self-discovery. Through the prism of dreams, we find the courage to confront our deepest anxieties and emerge stronger, transformed by the crucible of introspection.

Within the realm of dreams, we encounter fantastical beings, embodiments of our desires and aspirations. They manifest as elusive muses, whispering enchantments into the tapestry of our imagination. Dreams hold the keys to the locked doors of creativity, unlocking the floodgates of inspiration that flow within us. It is in these nocturnal realms that masterpieces are born, as the visionary and the mundane converge in a harmonious dance.


Dreams, like kaleidoscopic portals, transport us to realms untouched by the hands of reality. They allow us to soar on the wings of possibility, where the laws of nature are rewritten with each thought. From the depths of the ocean to the farthest reaches of the cosmos, dreams grant us the freedom to explore the uncharted territories of our minds. We encounter surreal landscapes, vibrant with colors unknown to the waking eye, and traverse galaxies that exist solely within the realms of imagination.

But dreams, with all their grandeur, are fleeting. They slip through our fingers like sand, leaving only fragments of memory in their wake. As we awaken, the remnants of dreams dissolve into the recesses of our consciousness, blurring the line between fantasy and reality. Yet their imprint remains, lingering in the recesses of our minds, forever shaping the contours of our being.

So, let us cherish the dreams that grace our nights, for they are the poets of the soul, the alchemists of the mind. In their ethereal embrace, we find respite, inspiration, and profound connection. Dreams, those ephemeral companions, whisper to us in the

Silence of the night, urging us to listen, to embrace the intangible, and to believe in the power of what lies beyond the visible.

In the tapestry of dreams, there exists a realm where time is an illusion, where the past, present, and future converge in a symphony of possibilities. It is a sanctuary where the boundaries of logic are dissolved, where logic is but a distant echo amidst the symphony of wonder. Here, dreams hold the key to unlock the mysteries of the universe, inviting us to explore the realms of knowledge and understanding.

As we close our eyes and surrender to the realm of dreams, we embark on a journey that transcends the limitations of our physical existence. We become the heroes of our own stories, facing trials and tribulations, experiencing triumphs and failures, all within the tapestry of our slumbering minds. In this realm, the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary, and the mundane becomes a canvas for extraordinary possibilities.

Through dreams, we witness the birth of innovation and invention. From the depths of a dreamer’s imagination, ground-breaking ideas are born, shaping the course of human progress. Dreams are the architects of change, inspiring scientists, artists, and visionaries to push the boundaries of what is known and to venture into the uncharted territories of the possible.

In the embrace of dreams, we find solace from the burdens of our waking lives. They offer us an escape from the mundane routines and responsibilities that weigh upon our shoulders. Within the realm of dreams, we can become anyone and anything, free to explore the vast tapestry of identities that reside within us. Dreams grant us the freedom to shed the limitations of our physical selves and immerse ourselves in the vast ocean of boundless potential.

But dreams are not merely solitary endeavours; they have the power to connect us, to bridge the gaps between souls. In the shared realm of dreams, we encounter kindred spirits and connect with loved ones separated by time and distance. We may walk hand in hand with ancestors long gone, sharing in their wisdom and stories. Dreams become the threads that weave the tapestry of human connection, reminding us that we are all part of a larger, interconnected web of existence.


Yet, as dawn breaks and the first rays of sunlight pierce the horizon, dreams gently fade away, slipping from our grasp like whispers in the wind. The ephemeral nature of dreams serves as a reminder of their preciousness, urging us to treasure every fleeting moment within their embrace. For it is within these moments that we catch glimpses of our true selves, unburdened by the constraints of reality.

So, let us not dismiss dreams as mere illusions or fleeting fragments of imagination. Let us recognize their transformative power, their capacity to ignite the flame of inspiration and guide us on our journey of self-discovery. For within the realm of dreams, we find the essence of who we are and the boundless potential of who we can become.

In a world where reality often confines us, dreams are the wings that allow us to soar, to explore the vast expanse of our own potential. They are the whispers of the universe, calling us to embrace the unknown, to challenge the status quo, and to embrace the extraordinary within ourselves.

Ode to dreams, you are the ethereal symphony that resonates within us, the elixir that nourishes our souls, and the guiding light that illuminates our path. So, let us embrace you, dear dreams, and surrender to your enchantment, for it is within your embrace that we truly awaken to the magic of our own existence.

performance poetry

About the Creator

Antonio Madrugada

Writing rite since I am 13. Empower me to grow and I will publish my first novel of fantasy soon.

I am Portuguese. I am 33.

I published my first book in 2019.

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  • HandsomelouiiThePoet (Lonzo ward)7 months ago

    This is Great📝👍♥️

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