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The Colors of Life

Nature always wears the colors of the spirit

By VocalVibesPublished about a year ago 1 min read
The Colors of Life
Photo by Amy Shamblen on Unsplash

Life is like a canvas, blank and pure,

Waiting to be painted, with colors obscure.

Each stroke, a new experience, a new hue,

Merging together, creating something anew.

Yellow for the sun, warm and bright,

Orange for the fire, fierce and light.

Red for passion, burning like a flame,

Pink for love, gentle and tame.

Blue for the sky, vast and free,

Green for nature, flourishing with glee.

Purple for the night, mystical and deep,

Black for the unknown, secrets to keep.

Life's colors, a symphony of shades,

Telling stories of laughter and cascades.

Of joy and sorrow, of love and pain,

A masterpiece, again and again.

May we paint with courage, may we paint with grace,

With each color, leaving a trace.

Of our journey, of our strife,

The colors of life, the essence of life.

nature poetrylove poems

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