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The basis of contentment

A little reminder for the days you forget to remember

By Sara9bPublished 2 years ago 2 min read
The basis of contentment
Photo by Cristian Escobar on Unsplash

A tidal wave of unspooling love,

A best-friend a message away,

The soft patter of rain while you sit wrapped

in the cocoon of blankets, your dog pushing

their wet snout underneath the woollen edge

seeking your warmth,

A new episode that awaits you when you get home that will let you forget everything else,

A quiet moment in the midst of chaos when you’re frazzled and stressed,

A forehead kiss,

Fresh bedsheets smelling of vanilla and the outdoors,

Your stomach gurgling and you remember you’ve

got leftovers of your favourite meal stored in the depths of that fridge,

A long conversation with your mother about nothing and everything,

That person you would least expect, defending you,

Eyes meeting across a crowded room, a light tug

of lips before you move your eyes away,

Their hands brushing yours for a second too long,

That project coming into fruition,




As your fingers move in a hurried frenzy of fleeting inspiration

across the keyboard and

you’re almost done and so pleased with the results,

A surge of likes from them on your posts,

Reconnecting with a sibling

you’d thought you’d never speak to again,

A sincere apology,

Running through rain so strong, the rest of the world ceases to be and your clothes will later have to be wrenched and wrenched to get all the water out,

Your favourite flowers blossoming despite the

sporadic care you’ve provided, but you now promise them you’ll do better

That sibling asking if they can get you anything from a take-out place you like and you’re awashed with silent joy,

A book you need to momentarily put away, so the

words can penetrate fully into the folds of your brain,

Seeing a painting that makes your heart beat faster,

A swim in the ocean,

That wagging tail when your enter through the door,

A hug when you’re consumed by grief

for the person you thought you might be,

A heat pack on knotted muscles,

A reassuring hand on your shoulder when you’re feeling depleted and overwhelmed,

Feeling wholly seen in a way that you’ve never been before,

them knowing your fears and dislikes through noticing alone and you grow oddly warm inside at them having paid that much attention to you,

Watching those you love smile in abandon,

A clear night sky,

A cloudy sky where you can sit outside with your laptop and see the screen clearly while sipping a warm drink to keep you warm,

Children making you burst out laughing,

A perfectly brewed coffee with a milky swan,

The tender touch of their fingers

on your scalp massaging away stray thoughts,

A restful sleep,

A song that leaves the hair on your arms standing up,

A heron surging into the sky above you as you complete that last breaststroke around the pond,

Good news,

Being told you did well,

That feeling after you exercise,

Waking up from a dream about them,

A slobbering dog kiss just because.


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    SWritten by Sara9b

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