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The Adventures of Sir Peanut Butter

by Halficus Sammichus

By Aaron RichmondPublished 2 months ago 14 min read
The Adventures of Sir Peanut Butter
Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

In pursuit of a child’s devotion,

These tales of woe are spun in motion.

They orchestrate the scenes as I narrate,

With nimble fingers dancing 'cross the plate.


Through their eyes I provide stunning hue,

Transforming simple snacks into tales anew.

Eyes grow wide as I play with my saint,

Blurring the line between what is and what ain’t.


At my kitchen table,

slight and narrow,

Legendary recipes oft die by the arrow.

When all else fails, who should I find ‘pon my shelf?

Who lies in wait as patient as an elf?


Sir Peanut Butter! Steady and stalwart knight without mold,

Clad in a jar, possessing the vague color of gold.

Your nutty essence, whether smooth or with crunch,

I always know upon you I can munch.


Ah, Jelly, you enchantress,

Gracefully resting in cleanliness rare.

What magic of fruits is it that you ensare?

I taste grapes and berries in your spell’s compose!

Shining and glimmering as jeweled ruby rose.


United they stand on bread's vast expanse,

Whether a duo provided by fate or by chance

Is irrelevant against a dance sweet and savory,

A feast fit for kings in a pauper’s treasury.


Nutella, in the corner, unopened, untried

Watched the pair in silence and died a little inside.

Thinking of the future, and what its role might mean,

Wondering if in the pantry, there's space for a dream.


"Crafted with care," Nutella thus spoke,

“Do I not do it all, to deserve people’s dotes?”

Nutella entertained thoughts of having a place,

Of being smeared on some lucky kid’s face.


Honey, with an ageless grace, and Jelly, seeking truth,

Found solace together in moments of shared youth.

Their bond pursuing the challenges that Time seeks to change,

In the world of the cupboard; wild, wide, and strange.


Twas here first they met,

I hear legend tells,

Set ‘gainst a backdrop of quaint breakfast bells.

All those hungry, slavering souls yearning to feast,

Found in Honey and Jelly such divine beast.


"Each bloom," Honey said, to Jelly elsewhere,

"Under the skies has such nectar to share,

With nothing to hide.

Sweetness is giving,

Always focused on the dead and the living.


Jelly pondered, her essence so pure,

Realizing sweetness was more than allure.

"Not just in berries or the sun's gentle trace,

But in every harsh touch, every kind face."


"Be as the flowers, open and true,

Share your sugar in all that you do.

Let your flavors of kindness freely flow,

And in your heart, true sweetness will yet always grow."


"Once, I too, was a wanderer quite strange,”

Sir Peanut Butter said as he gazed out on the range,

“I’ve fought and I’ve clawed my way up from the bin,

Against my rightful place,

What are the wages of sin?”


Sir Peanut Butter, with conviction in his head,

Staked thick his claim upon dry, toasted bread,

Layered by spoon,

Heaped all along,

How much precisely is defined by jaws strong.


Then Jelly struts through with slippery, clinging touch,

Adding sweetness, like Honey,

When used well,

Not too much.

Upon wine dark wave, floats a sea of new taste,

Floating o’er yonder to Peanut Butter's base.


Together, they




With every bite, their relation grows terse.


Stacked in lunchboxes at schools afar,

To picnics held underneath sun and star,

Their tale spreads wide across the land,

Telling of love and a passion held by the hand.


Off a ways to the side,

Who dares to peep?

Who dares to stride and between shadows creep?

The rise of Nutella! That dastardly cream!

Threatening to end an idyllic dream.


Whispers in pantries,

A murmur, a rumor,

Nutella advances in hate,

Not in humor.

"It's not just your taste, but the way that you cling,

To the roof of the mouth, such a deplorable thing."


Nutella drew near,

Aroma spread wide,

Promises of hazelnut and chocolatey-tide.

But Peanut Butter, with a wave of the knife,

Spoke of tradition, of a simpler life.


"Our passions," he declared, "lies not in our lone might,

But in the memories we hold and unlock, they shine bright!

From the little one's giggle, to the elder's sigh,

We're more than a spread; we're a bond, you and I."


Honey watched from afar to bear golden witness,

As Nutella and Peanut Butter aired out their fitness.

An ancient observer to a heated debate,

Pondering if rivalry was truly their fate.


Nutella spoke in a timbre rich and profound,

“Sir Peanut Butter, your clichés fall without sound.

You preach of tradition,

A simpleton’s plea,

It’s clear to me that you have no true key.


‘A bond, you and I,’ you so fondly declare,

But gloss over reason with nary a care.

If we always bind ourselves to

What has been,

What will be;

Finding ourselves bound to memory of what has been won,

Seeking a future knowing what will be done;

Accept it now; nothing is new under the sun!”


With a calm that only age-old nectar could hold,

Honey awaited and looked out for the scene to unfold.

Hoping the discord would soon simmer to chatter,

And they’d learn that together things often mattered more than they matter.


Peanut Butter, in a tone seeking pontificating advice,

Turned to Jelly and asked if she saw Nutella’s vice.

“Nutella seeks novel and whimsical affairs,

Coming along and interrupting time-tested and true pairs!


Jelly, you’ve watched me as I held true to my own,

With your sweetness constant, Surely I’ve shown

That I’m not bound by pursuit of the new.

Through thick and thin,

I’ve shown up here for you!”


Jelly's brilliance, a blend of fruit and time,

Whispers of summer and winter, and a resilience sublime.

"Our sweetness is earned, through the warmth and the chill,

And Sir Peanut Butter is there, come what may and what will."


As tensions in the pantry rose,

A quiet word from Honey flows,

"Sweets and spreads, both old and new,

Listen close, I speak to you.


"Unity through difference underlies our strengths,

Across all flavors, across all lengths.

If we blend our tastes in complements ‘stead of competes,

Surely we will find this is how we make all the best treats?"


Nutella, for a moment, stood in silent shame,

Failing to grasp the rules of their game.

They spoke not of flavor, but of beating heart,

Something yet deeper with fetters impart.


Nursing wounds in the corner where wisdom meets pride,

Nutella, once haughty, now seeks a new side.

Though rich in flavor, with a sheen so elite,

The humbleness of defeat has provided the seat.


"I confess," said Nutella, out of silken texture vain,

"My allure is crafted, through care, not just lain.

Each jar a testament to the craft of delight,

Of mixing the flavors in ways oft contrite.


One evening, as Nutella stirred in their cause,

Approaching dear Honey, with voice giving great pause.

"Honey," Nutella said, "so simple and wise,

How do you hold your place in this world made of lies?"


Honey, in her warmth with a tone golden amber,

"It's not the complexity that tilts your life camber.

I whisper of sweetness, I whisper of ease,

And when I whisper pure, my love is whispered free of disease.”


Nutella pondered this, contents stirring slow,

"Is there room," it wondered, "on this shelf for my show?

To be cherished not for the decadence I bring,

But for the joy in the way I approach everyday things?”


In the quiet that followed, Honey broke silence once more,

"Nutella, your extravagance is not what we adore.

It's the moments you're part of,

the memories you make,

The breakfasts,

The snacks,

Every cake you help bake."


Out of pride and pomp grew humility's seed,

A transformation spurred by one simple need.

To be more than rich, more than a treat,

To join in the ranks of heartfelt retreat!


In the glow of the pantry's dim light,

Nutella watched from quite a height.

Below, Sir Peanut Butter and Jelly’s live were laid bare,

Dancing on the bread with nary a care.


Their laughter and joy drifted up on the breeze

A bond so strong, it seemed to be carried with ease.

Nutella, in silence, harbored a dream,

To join in the play and be part of a team.


"Could there be room for one more in their tale?"

Nutella mused, feeling ironically pale.

With a rich, chocolate swirl, there’s no need to defend,

Nutella knew they had much to offer a friend.


Hidden in shadow, Nutella's gaze fixed

Upon Peanut Butter and Jelly, heart in a mix.

They spoke of the newcomer, with whispers quite low,

Nutella strained to hear, to know friend from foe.


"Could their rich, chocolatey swirl," Peanut mused aloud,

"Blend with our tales, make our stories more proud?

Yet, the silence and watching from shadows give pause,

Does Nutella seek to join us, or break all our laws?"


Jelly, with wisdom, a soft chuckle gave,

"Our pantry's a tapestry, beautifully brave.

Let Nutella see, our circle has room,

For new stories to bloom, dispelling its gloom."


So Nutella approached, demeanor anew,

Not as a foe, but with new claims to chew.

"A place beside you, not above,"

Nutella said, “I hope to be heard,

It is Harmony, not Discord, to be understood with my word.”


"Stop living in the past," Nutella began with measured pace,

"Your replacement at the table, I do not chase.

But why does tradition bind us so tight,

Who and or what died and gave you the right?"


With a sigh, Sir Peanut stood his ground,

"In our history, a deep bond is found.

Your novelty, while rich, deep, and exciting,

Encroaches upon memories that we are inviting."


Nutella's gaze, both sharp and keen,

Cut through the air, a sight unseen.

"Is there no room," Nutella boldly inquired,

"For new tales to be told, inspired, and admired?"


Jelly, shimmering and exuding a forgiving air,

Nods in agreement, "There's space on the shelf to share.

Beside us, not as foe, but as merely a choice,

Together, our gasps merge, as booming voice."


Jelly continued as she jiggled and jammed,

“Our differences save us from the endlessly bland.

Diversity in flavor, texture, and color,

Brings richness to experiences, unlike any other."


P.B. once resistant, now mused,

“Nutella, your flair for the new complements our views,

Much like a new chapter adds to our stories,

Not rewriting, but adding, to our future glories."


Jelly joined in, as P.B. then spoke,

Smiling as if sharing some kind of joke,

"A kitchen where all are welcome, into which they can blend,

We must find the recipe upon which our balance depends!”


Through valleys of veggies and mountains of bread,

Past rivers of oil, where few dared to tread.

Nutella, eager to please, led the way,

Peanut Butter, sturdy, never guiding astray.


Jelly, with sweetness, lighted their path,

Honey brought wisdom, to spare them from wrath.

Together they faced the Salad Sea's mist,

Navigating through lettuce with fresh citrus twist.


In the Cavern of Spice, where the air clung thick,

They encountered a dragon, its flame leaping quick.

Sir Peanut Butter stepped forward first, brave and stout,

Brandishing a spoon, he let out a shout.


"Creature of fire, of spice and of heat,

With respect and courage, we come to meet."

Jelly, with grace, unfurled a banner wide,

Of pure raspberry jam and behind it they shied.


A peace offering, sweet and rich, to share,

An attempt to show the dragon they cared.

Nutella, with a twirl, approached with panache,

Offering a blend of cocoa and hazelnut ganache.


Honey, from a bear, spoke in tones soft and slow,

"We come not for battle, but together to grow.

Your flames that kindle, your breath that sears,

Can warm our hearts, dispelling our fears."


The dragon, intrigued, lowered its gaze,

Surprised by these visitors and their amiable ways.

It breathed out gently, a flame so mild,

Transforming the cavern, magic beguiled.


From its breath arose a scent so sweet,

The spicy and sweet in the air they did meet.

With teamwork, they discovered an eagerness hearty,

Cinnamon sugar now joined in their party.


Beyond the Forest of Forks and the Desert of Fools,

The Tree of Thyme grows above buttery pools.

Between leaves of green is held a recipe,

Jelly grabs it first, nimblest of the three.


With the recipe in hand, they made their way back,

Through the Jammy Jungle, leaving no discernible track.

Dodging sugar storms, and caramel quicksand,

Together, they returned, to their storied homeland.


Upon return they gathered,

Around the table set,

Anticipation and eagerness in their eyes met.

Sir Peanut Butter carefully began to unfold,

The secret recipe, soon to be told.


But lo, as they peered, their eyes wide in disbelief,

The recipe was blank, they wailed in collective grief.

No words to be read, no instructions to follow,

Their journey's end was suddenly hollow.


Nutella stepped forward, a thought in mind,

"Perhaps it's not the recipe we were meant to find.

The journey we shared, the trials overcame,

Perhaps it is simply the recipe to blame?"


Jelly nodded, setting her hips a-jiggle,

Honey, with wisdom, chimed in with wiggle.

"Our bond is the recipe, written on hearts,

Blending our friendship into more than its parts."


Sir Peanut Butter, with a smile, agreed,

"It's not the ingredients, but the filling of need,

To come together, to mix and to meld,

In union and tradition our strength is upheld."


So, they decided, right there in a rush,

To create a new recipe, inked with a brush.

"We live as a beacon,” they declared with pride,

"To those beyond the shelf,

Who wish to set differences aside.”


Together then, they took a pen,

not just one, but again and again.

Each contributing a stroke, a memory, a color.

The recipe began,

Not with instructions,

But with stories,

Of laughter, joy, and even gloom,

A reflection of their previous glories.


"This recipe," Sir Peanut said, "Is more than words, it's us instead,

A blend of heart, soul, and bread, a path we've jointly tread.”

The dragon, once their fearsome foe, added a sparkle, a gentle glow,

A reminder of how they'd grow, from the challenges thrown below.


The recipe, now complete, stood as a record, not of defeat,

But of friendships, ever sweet,

And every challenge they would meet.

A blank page turned testament,

To all the places they had went,

To the blend of each scent,


Nutella found pride-of-place, not above, but beside,

In the neighborhood with Honey and their friends they reside.

No longer rivals, but partners in bread,

Ensuring that each to their own tastes is fed.


The heart of the kitchen beats with the pulse

Of the union that comes from consensual adults.

Through their journey from rivalry to mutual respect,

They discovered a kinship they did not expect.


Nutella and Jelly shared a counter space,

As Peanut Butter and Honey share an embrace.

Content laughter bubbles up from this place,

Of dreams that involve the sight of my godly face.


Guiding their journey as months turn to years,

Always around, as a friend,

Unseen yet near,

Whose presence in whispers, all can hear.

From between the jars of jams, I peer.


In quiet afternoons, when the house lay quite still,

They gather 'round an open windowsill.

We watch the world, sharing tales of grand feasts,

If I listen, the laughter and whispers never ceased.


Twilight spreads outward purpling hue,

As companions convene, my familiar crew.

Jelly and Honey will sing a saccharine duet,

While the nuts jam the rhythm and work up a sweat.


Sir Peanut Butter, steadfast, speaks of more pragmatic fare,

While Jelly adds sweetness to simply compare.

Honey whispers wisely, wisdom passed through the ages,

Nutella, standing outside, innovates inside the pages.


In the pantry, there's now peace and cheer,

Each spread's unique flavor we hold near and hold dear.

Together we’ve learned, in our quaint kitchen nook,

That Love’s recipe is more than what's cooked in a book.


In every shared laughter, in every wiped tear,

In every new challenge, they conquered their fear.

The cupboards, once silent, now hum with life's song,

A testament to the power of when all belong.


We do it all for the future, for the tales yet to write,

For a string of endless mornings and even longer nights.

For in each adventure, whether big or small,

It's the journey together that matters most of all.


About the Creator

Aaron Richmond

Words weave, worlds unfold,

Growth, knowledge, imagination,

Aaron's artistry flows.

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  • Hummingbird2 months ago

    Well... why is it so long? Serious question.

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