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“T-Rex:A Legend Roars”

A Poem of Power and Primordial Might

By Joe Rhoda Published 30 days ago 1 min read
“A titan of a bygone era,forever in our hearts”.

In days of old, when earth was young

And forests stretched, where cities throng

A creature roamed, of mighty frame

A dinosaur, with power to proclaim

Its name was spoken, in awe and fear

Tyrannosaurus Rex, the king of the year

With scales as black, as the night above

And eyes that glowed, like embers of love

Its roar resounded, through the ancient land

A thunderclap, that shook the sand

Its footsteps echoed, through the trees so tall

A behemoth, that made the earth stand still

With jaws agape, and teeth so bright

It stalked its prey, with deadly might

A hunter of the night, a predator of the day

A force of nature, in a bygone way

Its kingdom stretched, from sea to sea

A dominion, of wonder, and glee

Where dinosaurs roamed free, and the earth was young and wild

A world of wonder, a world of awe and child

It ruled with strength, and a gentle hand

A monarch, of a bygone land

With a heart so fierce, and a spirit so bright

A shining star, in the ancient night

But time went by, and the ages passed

And the T-Rex, was forever cast

In stone and bone, a relic of the past

A reminder of a world that would not last

Yet in our dreams, it still roams free

A mighty T-Rex, a wonder to see

A symbol of strength, a symbol of might

A reminder of a world that was, and a wonder in sight

Its legacy lives on, in our hearts and minds

A dinosaur, of a bygone kind

A reminder of a world so grand and old

A world of wonder, a world to behold

So let us marvel, at this creature of old

A Titan of a bygone era, forever to be told

A dinosaur, of strength and might

A wonder of the ancient world, a shining light.

nature poetry

About the Creator

Joe Rhoda

God first

God again

God everyday

God always 📌

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    JRWritten by Joe Rhoda

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