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Sympathy To My Sanity

By Everett Lopez

By Everett LopezPublished 7 years ago 1 min read
Only At Peace, Will You Truly See

Why are we here?

The one question that can destroy a mans life.

The one question that can restore a mans life.

There are many mysteries man has tried to solve.

Yet, are we truly qualified to know all?

We know so little, but we destroy so much.

This question has driven men to their golden age, and their breaking point.

The answer is not meant to harm, but to help.

Meditate on it and you will breath fresh air, obsess about it and you will breathe no air.

Only when you are truly at peace, will you then know.

Which does your soul desire?

The constant drive for an answer that will leave you stranded?

Or the slow and steady process that will assure you serenity and success?

Sit back and stare at the sunset one evening.

Don't worry about the time, or who's around.

Simply ponder the thoughts that constantly appear, yet never remain.

Why are we here?


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