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Swallowed by my Heart

Poem/Creative Writing

By B. M. HasanPublished 4 years ago 1 min read
Swallowed by my Heart
Photo by Alexandru Acea on Unsplash

My heart is swallowing the rest of my body as I finally find my purpose

It is no longer a struggle to wake up every morning

Every step forward filled pride

And though the pain is still present

It resonates with all the other things I feel

As a part of me accepted for its true self

Because now I know how much it protected me from myself

Stopping me from repeating mistakes

Reminding me that even the strongest soldiers must take a moment for themselves

No one is invincible and as my heart takes over and guide me the my true path I learn to accept every aspect of who I am

To love even even the wounded broken pieces

Imperfections and all

The oppression chains of society, doubt, depression, and shame fall away

Yes I still cry now but when I do I hold nothing back tears falling like a torrential downpour of a summer storm moving through every ounce of my being

Allowing it to wash away all the negative energy and give my being the desperate release it needs it needs to move forward

So that when I smile it with all of the force of the blazing sun at its apex, radiant rays surging on a cloudless day

As I cede every inch of me to my heart I experience a supernova state of living

Becoming my best self and even though this brilliance will one day fade

I remember Energy can never truly be created or destroyed

And know the pieces of me left behind in the memories of others will surpass my the limited time On this earth

Inspiring and lighting the way for future generations to come


About the Creator

B. M. Hasan

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