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Starlight and the Boy of the moon

By Kay B.

By Kay BukatyPublished 4 years ago 5 min read

There once was a girl who lived on a star,

She lived on the star that was ever so far.

It showered purple stardust every evening till dusk,

Until the moonlight came in a manner quite brusque.

The girl would then dance amongst the dew dusted ground,

Then one night while dancing she suddenly heard a strange sound.

She tilted her head danced towards the sound,

She danced, twirled, jumped and bound.

She stopped in the bushes and took a peek through the leaves,

Her eyes then did sparkle by what she did see.

A boy sat crying there alone in the grass,

She stared at this beautiful boy whose eyes looked like glass.

She moved through the bush and spoke a quiet hello,

The boy looked startled, and stared at the beautiful girl that glowed.

She smiled so tender and held out her hand,

He somehow knew, he seemed to understand.

With his hand in hers she pulled him to his feet,

She danced with him twirling, as he sang with a voice so sweet.

They danced and sang till they could dance and sing no more,

They both laughed as they rested upon the cool dirt floor.

They sat and both stared straight up at the sky,

Finally the girl asked the beautiful boy, “why did you cry?”

The boy looks at the moon and smiles so sadly,

“I wanted to meet you just once quite badly..”

She tilted her head and tried to ask, “what do you mean?”

But the boy just shook his head and pointed up to the unseen.

I am son of the moon, you’re the daughter of stars,

“As much as I like you I can never be yours”

The girl’s star-dusted cheeks blushed upon hearing his words,

But then tried to ask again, ‘why he couldn’t be hers’

Before she could finish, the sunlight started to rise,

And she stared at the beautiful boy in surprise.

He sat there and smiled softly at her as he began to fade,

Tears welled up in her eyes and she grabbed for him clearly afraid.

She went right through him, he’d become like a ghost,

Still smiling sadly he whispered, “You were everything I imagined and hoped”

The girl sank to the ground and she started to cry,

“Please don’t go, why must you say goodbye?”

As the sun still rose and he continued to fade,

He called out to her and one last song he played.

“I am the son of the moon, you are the daughter of starlight,

I disappear in the in the day, unlike you I cannot shine in daylight,

I may reappear in a week or so, if there are no clouds or storms here below.

But, since I do fade we can never be,

Know that I have always been in love since I first set my eyes on thee”

In his last sentence he blew her a kiss,

Then dissipated like a mist into the abyss.

From then on the girl wouldn’t dance,

She cried all day and waited for night for a chance.

She sat and waited every night for days, weeks for the boy to come back,

She searched for him all night and went to the spot where they last sat.

She waited and waited hoping he would show,

But he didn’t, and the girl started to no longer glow.

She became, dull, weak, and could barely stand,

One night as she laid upon the ground her mother did speak, wanting to understand.

“My daughter” she spoke in a voice so clear,

“Why don’t you dance anymore my dear?

You’ve become so weak, and glow no more,

I worry you’ll die if this continues anymore,

so please raise your head and speak to me,

I will grant you any wish if you please hear my plea”

Tears fell from the girls eyes and she looked to her mother,

“Oh mother, I met the son of the moon and in the night we danced with one another,

And by the end of the night we’d fallen for each other.

But as soon as we fell we faced a cruel fate,

The boy of the moon and the sunlight cannot conflate.

So as soon as he whispered sweet words of love, he disappeared back to the moon above”

Her mother did stare thinking in silence,

The moon was a stubborn one and would be noncompliant.

But seeing her daughter completely shattered,

She knew she had to at least try, that is all that mattered.

She shot up to the moon, got right in his face,

She said, “we need to talk, it’s important your grace”

The moon grumbled, he did not want to talk,

“I do not have time today to listen to you squawk!”

He spoke in a hurry, in an almost worrisome tone,

“My boy is dying, dying from the unknown!

He will not eat, he will not sleep, he no longer sings!

He just lays there staring down at the ground below of all things!”

The star did listen and let out a gasp, it seems the rest of the story she did then grasp.

“My grace, I know exactly what's wrong, if you listen to my story I can show you, com’on!”

The moon then turned and now seemed eager to listen,

The star told her daughter's story and how she lost her glisten.

The moon and star then sat and pondered how,

After a while the moon spoke up, “what about a vow?”

Before the star could question the moon he spoke with a voice that did boom,

“A vow that the moon and the stars will shine bright, night or day we will always be in sight. If we shine together we will never glow dim, not even in the sunshine! We will glow to the brim!”

The star smiled and replied, “Yes, yes! A vow! A vow it shall be then! With this our children will glow happy and bright once again!”

So a vow was made by the moon and stars right there,

They rushed back to their children with good news to share.

The moment the girl and boy both heard the good news they were on their feet!

They ran to the clearing where they did first meet.

As they saw each other for the first time in forever,

they vowed they would never be without the other ever.

They ran into each other's arms, sang and danced,

The beautiful boy with the glass eyes then advanced.

He kiss that beautiful star dusted girl and said,

“Will you forever be mine?”

And that is how the son of the moon and the daughter of starlight, were wed.

The End.

fact or fiction

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    Kay BukatyWritten by Kay Bukaty

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