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Speak Kindly

Just Imagine

By Ruth Elizabeth StiffPublished 10 months ago 1 min read
are you being served ?

"If speaking kindly to plants can help them grow,

just imagine what speaking kindly to humans can do."

Speaking kindly

to others

takes all of five minutes (if that)

and can change that person's day.

We know what it's like


we get up, get ready for work / to go out

and all the while (possibly) in a lot of pain, worried about that electricity bill

and you promised to look in on mum and do her some dinner.

Your mind is constantly moving,

going onto the next thing that you have to or want to do,

and then you fall over and smash your knee.

OUCH !!!

You feel like crying

but someone comes up to you and asks:

"Can I help you? Here, let me get you a cool drink, just sit quietly and I'll stay with you until you feel ready to go on.

Can I phone anyone for you?"

How do you feel?

Life is worth living after all!

And this does happen, this is real!

Waiting at the bus stop or for the train,

you see someone on their own,

looking 'sad' or worried,

a smile and a "Hello" can make all the difference for that person,

maybe a little chat about how long you've been waiting,

and that other person may soon be chatting away.

We would feel grateful for it,

so does that other person.

Let's make this world

WORTH living in!



About the Creator

Ruth Elizabeth Stiff

I love all things Earthy and Self-Help

History is one of my favourite subjects and I love to write short fiction

Research is so interesting for me too

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