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Sparks of Love

Igniting Hearts and Illuminating Souls

By Shwet Prabha BaiswarPublished 2 months ago 1 min read
Sparks of Love
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

In the quiet whispers of the night,

You stepped into my world, a radiant light.

With your laughter, you brought sparks anew,

A blaze of joy, igniting skies of blue.

In your embrace, I found my home,

A sanctuary of love, where dreams roam.

You touched my soul with gentle grace,

And in your presence, I found my place.

So let's dance beneath the stars above,

And paint the night with hues of love.

Hand in hand, let's journey far and wide,

Spreading love like wildfire, with hearts open wide.

For you brought sparks when you entered my life,

A flame that burns away all strife.

Together, let's kindle a fire so bright,

And illuminate the world with love's pure light.

In every smile, in every touch,

Let's spread love, for it's never too much.

With every heartbeat, let's make a vow,

To make the world sparkle, here and now.

So come, my love, let's take a stand,

And show the world the power of hand in hand.

With every step, with every move,

Let's make them see that love can soothe.

For when you came into my life, you brought sparks,

And together, we'll light up the dark.

With love as our guide, we'll soar above,

And make the world sparkle with our love.

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About the Creator

Shwet Prabha Baiswar

Hey there! I'm Shwet Prabha, your friendly neighborhood blogger. Dive into my world of words where curiosity meets content. Let's make this journey together—because every word counts! #BlogLife #ExploreWithMe

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