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Shedding the Old

Let go of the 'clothes,' people, things that no longer fit or serve you!

By Nicolette TuraPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
You are ready. Welcome to this new chapter!

Shedding the Old, Ready for the New

I keep trying on new roles:

New jobs,

New people,

New clothes,

New things,

They never fit me like they fit everyone else.

I can’t wait to take them off!

To be naked and me.

Some outfits feel good.

Because I have learned to throw anything away that doesn’t feel good to me anymore...

With gratitude, with sacredness;

thank you for each step I took in you, with you.

Thank you for keeping me from the cold

Yet,I no longer need you.

Let’s be free to move on.

Let’s be free to try something new on.

Like Christmas in July;

I am constantly rebirthing the new.

When the world is going that way -

Here I am going this way?

It feels so lonely sometimes...

Trying to find someone wearing the same outfit as me,

Because I wonder,

do I look crazy?

Am I crazy?

No one is crazy.

I am done trying on new roles, coats, and things.

I am ready to be me.

Will you join me?

Tired of trying to fit into a world that often makes you feel not good enough anyway?

Yeah, me too.

It's because we aren't meant to fit in. You and I are meant to stand out.

Yet it can feel freaking scary and isolating, when you don't know what your purpose is.

Do you often wonder, why you are here? That there has to be more to this life than work, take care of the mundane, eat, sleep and repeat?

Do you try to practice gratitude and you still feel like you are not enough?

I hear you. I want to celebrate how brave you are to keep showing up.

You are such a giver and a lover and you care.

You were put on this Earth to keep that gentle heart open and to allow yourself to feel good, enjoy your life and have everything you desire.

What comes up for you when you read something like that? No judgment. Can you acknowledge those voices in your head that aren't very kind and have hundreds of reasons to counter the truth that yes, you can have everything you desire. Yes! You can be whatever you want. And F*ck yes, you do whatever the hell you want at any time?

What is stopping you? Who is stopping you?

You may feel like it is someone outside of you, like your boss, partner, kids, mortgage etc. But it simply isn't true.

Yes, they are responsibilities and you always have a choice.

What you are not changing, you are choosing or allowing.

Read that again.

If you are tolerating something that you don't like, you are allowing it.

You can start over at any time.

You can approach a problem that has been haunting you for some time now, with fresh eyes.

You can say no without apologizing or over-explaining.

Does it feel good?

Maybe not.

But I promise you. The more you listen to your Soul and trust yourself, the easier it gets.

And, you are setting an example and modeling this for your loved ones.

Imagine, everyone aligned with the power, wisdom and truth of their Soul - how can things ever go wrong?

We are all just learning as we go.

If you choose and remember to come back to your greatest teacher - Love, you can never go wrong.

Forgive yourself, forgive everyone and move the F on!

Life is short and when you take the perspective of a hawk in the sky, you can free yourself from a lot of unnessary pain and truly create the life you came here to live.

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Shine Bright No Matter What Is Going On,



About the Creator

Nicolette Tura

A Guide for Sensitive Souls

*Be You and Create the World You Want To See*

wellness tips - guided meditations + more


connect with me + more resources https://linktr.ee/shinewithnicolette

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