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She Breathes

Who knows where this will go.

By Megan RushPublished 7 years ago 2 min read

Heart pulsating.

Heavy breathing.

Wind whipping her hair.

Running. Running.

Through the trees.

Don't look back

Looked back.

Keep going.

Sweat dripping. No. Pouring down her face.

Or was it the dew from the leaves?

No. Rain!

All in her hair.

Her face.

Her lips.

Run! Don't stop.

Don't look back!


A branch sliced her cheek.


Red. Musty. Blood.

Where am I?

Dodging through the trees.

Her feet catch on the slick forest floor every so often.


Cold. Rain. Run!

Her green eyes searching through the foggy air.

Fingers pushing past tree limbs.

Tired. Cold. Rain. Run.

Breath catches. Lungs bursting.

Stumbled. Stop. Look behind

Scared! Run!

Legs cramping. Stomach hurting. Running.


Look behind?

No movement?

Wind picking up.

Look forward!

Mud is thick.

Rustling to left!

Brown jacket?

Breath catches.

Don't stop.

Cold. Rain. Run.

Cold. Rain. Run





Ears ringing.


Lights are bright. Can't see.

Ears pounding.




Movement all around.

Machines beeping.


Blurry vision.


She breathes.

*Note from the Author*

Not quite sure what this is or where it's going. I think it's headed towards a short story or a novella. It's coming from a dark place... I'm literally just writing this after I experienced an anxiety attack. Will this story end here? No. I think this character has more to say.

It's funny. I've always wanted to write a story. There are many unfinished ones stored on the Notepad feature on my mom's old desktop, a couple of chapters of another story on a broken laptop, and few on blog/story writing websites, but I can't ever finish them. Ever. I never know where to take it and how to end it, so it's funny to me that I published this without finishing it. It means something more to me though. I actually connect with this character and I don't even know her yet. It's like all my other stories were daydreams. They were of people I wanted to be and lives I wanted to live. I'm excited to work on this. I have so many ideas rattling through my head, however it's almost three in the morning. Anxiety attack has passed, and my boyfriend's snores are lulling me to sleep. Thank you for taking the time to read this. You know... I really wish there was a comment section. I would of loved to read your thoughts. Feel free to share to facebook or tweet it out to your friends. Maybe I'll get lucky and get a few gifts. I will be reading some stories and gifting people tomorrow. I forgot what I was supposed to be doing. Oh yes. Going to bed. Goodnight.


P.S. the picture is not mine and I do not own the rights. Thank you Google for providing the closest thing to the forest I imagined her running through. I saw it much closer though. Her face being scraped by the branch, her hand griping a wet tree trunk, the thick fog, and her green eyes. Those were the images that kept flashing through my head. Most of it was looking at the forest floor through her eyes, but I believe if this scene took place anywhere it would be like the forest pictures above.

Alright. For real this time. Goodnight, ya'll.


About the Creator

Megan Rush

This will be coming soon.

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    Megan RushWritten by Megan Rush

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