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The Struggle Between Darkness and Light.

By Johnpaul Okwudili Published 3 days ago 3 min read
Photo by Hrant Khachatryan on Unsplash

In the quiet corners of forgotten streets,
Where shadows linger long after the sun has set,
There breathes the whispers of dissent,
A ballad of hate, insidious and unseen.

It begins with a murmur, a seed of discontent,
Planted deep in the fertile soil of fear,
Watered by ignorance, nurtured by anger,
Until it sprouts, a dark tendril of malice.

In the minds of the weary and the lost,
It finds a home, a sanctuary,
Feeding on doubts, on insecurities,
It grows, entwining, suffocating the light.

Hatred wears many faces, adopts many guises,
A mask of righteousness, a cloak of despair,
It speaks in tongues of division and scorn,
Its language harsh, its tone unforgiving.

It is the shadow that creeps into the heart,
The whisper that poisons the soul,
Turning neighbor against neighbor,
Brother against brother, friend against friend.

In the halls of power, it finds its voice,
Amplified by the megaphone of authority,
It speaks of us and them, of right and wrong,
Drawing lines, building walls, sowing discord.

The pulse of a nation, once steady and strong,
Falters under the weight of this burden,
Each beat a throb of pain, of confusion,
As hate's ballad grows louder, more insistent.

It is the echo in the rhetoric of leaders,
The subtext in the speeches, the policies,
It seeps into laws, into decrees,
Transforming justice into a tool of oppression.

On the streets, it manifests in the eyes,
The clenched fists, the hateful slurs,
It is the graffiti on the walls, the violence in the night,
The spark that ignites the fire of unrest.

Hatred divides, isolates, alienates,
It builds barriers of mistrust, of fear,
Turning communities into battlegrounds,
Homes into fortresses, hearts into citadels.

It is the song of the disenfranchised,
The anthem of the disillusioned,
A bitter melody that resonates,
In the hearts of those who feel unseen, unheard.

Yet, within this darkness, a flicker remains,
A spark of resistance, of defiance,
Voices that refuse to be silenced,
Hearts that beat with the rhythm of hope.

They stand in the face of hate's tempest,
Unyielding, unwavering, united,
Their song a counterpoint, a harmony,
To the discordant ballad of dissent.

In the pulse of a nation, there lies a choice,
To succumb to the shadows, to the whispers,
Or to rise, to reclaim the light,
To silence the ballad with a symphony of love.

Hatred thrives in the absence of understanding,
In the void of empathy, of connection,
It feeds on the unknown, the unfamiliar,
Breeding fear where there should be curiosity.

To dismantle hate, we must begin within,
Confront the shadows in our own hearts,
Replace judgment with compassion,
Ignorance with knowledge, fear with love.

In the stories of the other, we find ourselves,
A reflection of our own hopes, our own fears,
For beneath the surface, we are the same,
Human, flawed, striving, dreaming.

The pulse of a nation, a collective heartbeat,
Beats stronger in unity, in solidarity,
When we listen, truly listen, to each other,
We find the harmony in our differences.

In the face of hate, we must choose love,
A radical, courageous, transformative love,
One that heals, that bridges, that unites,
A love that sings louder than the ballad of dissent.

Hatred is a fire, consuming all in its path,
But love is water, nourishing, sustaining,
It quenches the flames, it soothes the burn,
It brings life to the scorched earth.

We must be the guardians of this love,
The stewards of hope, of unity,
For in our hands lies the future,
The pulse of a nation, the song of our souls.

In the quiet of the night, when shadows fall,
We must light the candles of understanding,
Illuminate the darkness with our shared humanity,
And rewrite the ballad of hate into a hymn of peace.

For in the end, it is not the shadows that define us,
But the light we bring, the love we share,
The pulse of a nation beats in our hearts,
A symphony of voices, a chorus of hope.

Let us sing this new song, loud and clear,
A ballad of love, of unity, of peace,
Let the shadows of dissent fade into silence,
As we, together, shape the future with our son

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Johnpaul Okwudili


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    Johnpaul Okwudili Written by Johnpaul Okwudili

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