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By AnnaPublished about a year ago 1 min read
Photo by Matt on Unsplash

Sensitive Soul, with heart so tender,

Emotions deep, a gentle blender.

A world of feelings, both joy and pain,

A heart that weeps in pouring rain.

You see the world through a different lens,

Feel every nuance, every sense.

A symphony of emotions inside,

A treasure chest where tears reside.

Your heart aches with others' sorrow,

Feels their pain today and tomorrow.

Empathy your guiding light,

A beacon in the darkest night.

You feel the warmth of a gentle touch,

Or a simple word that means so much.

A whispered phrase, a kind embrace,

Brings solace to your inner space.

But sometimes sensitivity can sting,

Like a raw nerve, a fragile string.

Words can cut, actions hurt,

Leaving scars that seem to assert.

Yet, sensitivity is also a gift,

A superpower, a special shift.

It allows you to see the world with care,

To connect with others, deeply share.

So, embrace your sensitivity, dear friend,

Let it guide you till the very end.

For in a world that can be tough and cold,

Your sensitivity shines like precious gold.

surreal poetryinspirational

About the Creator



I used to write poems with chat gpt (mostly poems) but now i stopped it.

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