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Seeing Through The Darkness

Inside Dementia

By Rosemary McManus ColemanPublished 3 years ago 2 min read

I look out and cannot see anything but a wall of darkness

I know there is a path through

I've seen it before

Now, though, I feel only the air thick and heavy, impenetrable

Slowly, my eyes catch miniscule patches of light

I'm hopeful that if I stare long enough, the light will grow and reveal the path

I'm frustrated

I know there is a path through

I've seen it before

Why does this take so long?

I want to use my hands to scoop away the darkness

I'm restless

I hear the sounds around me, different voices, high and low

I can't make out the words

I hear what sounds like my name but I'm not sure

I know there is a path through

I've seen it before

The dark is less heavy now, more fog gray than midnight black

I see the entrance to the path between two tall trees with an infinite number of leaves

I'm so close

I feel the fierce determination flow through my brain

I must get to the path

I know there is a path through

I've seen it before

I'm on the path

There is thick underbrush that grabs at my ankles, trying to hold me back

I focus on the growing patches of light

I keep moving

Sometimes it feels like I'm going at warp speed, jumping over obstacles

Other times it feels like my feet are cased in cement

I fear I will be stuck, lost forever in this dark forest

I know there is a path through

I've seen it before

The light grows

I can see her, not clearly yet, but I know I know her

It's safe to keep moving

I'm almost there

I see her smile, with warmth and love

I know I know her

I need more light to get to the end of the path

I must break through the branches trying to keep me back

There she is, my daughter.

Then the light fades

I look out and cannot see anything but a wall of darkness

I know there is a path through

I've seen it before.

sad poetry

About the Creator

Rosemary McManus Coleman

Explorer with a dash of daredevil walking through whatever door is in front of me.

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