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Second Chance Man

Everything isn't always over. The sun can shine again if you let it.

By Chanelle JoyPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read
Top Story - October 2021
Second Chance Man
Photo by Michał Parzuchowski on Unsplash

There once was a man

with a master plan

to always get his way.

He gambled and cheated,

was awfully conceited,

and cared not for what they’d say.

He’d place his bets

while ignoring his debts

and send a prayer to Miss Lady Luck!

But alas came the time

when he lost his last dime,

found himself in all sorts of muck.

By Jarosław Kwoczała on Unsplash

“Just one more...

I refuse to be poor!”

He screamed as he set down his key.

They all gasped in shock -

midnight struck the clock...

Oh, how could it be!

With nothing else left

and of sanity bereft,

the lunatic had gambled his soul!

The very key to his heart -

from which one shouldn’t part,

lest the devil swallow you whole!


It was a poker game

in a place with no name.

All but one man had folded.

With a triumphant grin,

and eyes full of sin,

in a mocking voice he scolded,

“You idiot! You fool!

Your life I now rule!

I give you the Royal Flush!”

By Radu Florin on Unsplash

He watched the man leave,

so that alone he could grieve,

and think what had been the rush?

Because, with regret he realised

that the life he so prized

was naught but an empty shell.

No family or friends,

no way to make amends,

nothing but the sound of Hell’s bell.

He’d squandered his life,

caused all kinds strife;

he’d been rotten to his core.


“I deserve this,” he said

from his newspaper bed

“I deserve to be battered and sore.

It’s my own bloody fault

I never thought to halt.

I just wanted to be wealthy and rich!

Nothing else mattered,

yet now I lay shattered,

alone and cold in this ditch.”


He was ready to die -

he could no longer cry.

He just wanted it all to end.

But one stormy night

as he huddled in fright,

a light came from around the bend.

She wore velvet and lace,

a smile on her face,

and gloves on her small dainty hands.


“I know what you’ve done,”

is how she begun.

“I’ve read your story in the sands.”

By Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

He shook his head

and softly he said,

“My story is over now.

I shall end the scene without a bow

for I’ve nothing left to lose...”


“And yet everything to gain!

So don’t sit here in the rain!

Don’t lay down and snooze!”

She pulled him to his feet,

marched him up the street...

“Madam,” he cried, “you must be crazy!”

She laughed like a bell;

a bell from heaven, not hell,

kissed him and whispered, “Maybe!”

She took out her key

so that he could see,

and she broke it straight in two!

“I’ll help you today,

and if you promise not to stray

you will soon be back on your feet!

I will teach you how,

so come along now;

I have the future for you to greet!”


He never learned her name,

or from whence she came,

but she solved his mystery

With her aid,

he fixed mistakes made,

and forged a brand new key!

And when he was done,

he saw the sun;

and oh how brightly it shone!

It shone just for him,

and he’d never let it dim

His story, he swore, would go on!

By Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

The End


Thank you so much for reading! I wrote this poem in combination with some others to make a Semicolon Project collection.

The Semicolon Project is one that is close to my heart. As someone who struggles with a number of mental illnesses, I have fallen into the well of suicidal thoughts. It is a dark and lonely place where you do nothing but dwell on your mistakes, berate yourself for ever daring to curse the universe with your existence, and remind yourself how much of a burden you are on everyone around you... how much better off they would be without you. Contrary to popular opinion, suicide is often not a selfish act. I won't go into that argument too much here, though.

Pulling yourself out of that suicidal well is difficult. Especially when you feel like you don't really fit anywhere... and when you feel like your life has been nothing but one gigantic, colossal mistake. But we need to remember that we all make mistakes; it is how we deal with the mistake that matters. We can let that mistake consume us, turn us bitter, angry and resentful - or we can use it as a learning experience and commit ourselves to making it right. There is always a second chance available. Sometimes you have to look very hard to find it, but I guarantee it is always there.

If you liked this piece, please click/tap the heart to drop some love. And if you are feeling especially generous, please do feel free to leave a tip. Your support means the world to me!

Here are some links to more of my Semicolon Project poems if you would also like to check them out!


Chan xx


About the Creator

Chanelle Joy

I love painting pictures with words, whether it be in poetry or story form, or tackling a social issue in an essay or article. So take a load off and let me entertain you!

I also take commissions. Enquire at [email protected] :)

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