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Roses are Red

"Love and Beauty in the Language of Flowers"

By kelly smartPublished about a year ago 2 min read
Roses are Red
Photo by Nikita Tikhomirov on Unsplash

Roses are red, violets are blue. It's a phrase that has been repeated countless times in poetry, songs, and stories. But have you ever wondered why roses are always associated with love?

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled in the rolling hills of the countryside, there lived a young girl named Rose. She was named after the beautiful flower that grew abundantly in the fields surrounding her home. Rose was known for her kindness, her generosity, and her unwavering spirit. She was beloved by all who knew her, and many young men in the village dreamed of winning her heart.

One day, a handsome young man named Jack arrived in the village. He was tall, with deep brown eyes and a crooked smile that made Rose's heart skip a beat. Jack was a poet, and he wrote beautiful verses about the world around him. When he saw Rose, he knew he had found his muse.

Jack began to court Rose, bringing her flowers and reciting his poetry to her. He wrote poems about her beauty, her kindness, and her unwavering spirit. Rose was smitten, and soon they were inseparable.

One day, Jack came to Rose with a bouquet of roses, each one a deep shade of red. He told her that he had written a poem for her, and he recited it as he handed her the flowers:

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

In all the world,

There's none like you.

Your beauty shines,

Like the morning sun,

Your spirit strong,

Like the mighty oak.

I love you more,

Than words can say,

And with these roses,

I'll show it today.

Rose was touched by Jack's words and the beautiful flowers he had given her. From that day on, whenever anyone in the village saw a red rose, they thought of Rose and the love between her and Jack.

Years went by, and Jack and Rose grew old together, but their love remained as strong as ever. When Jack passed away, Rose planted a garden filled with red roses in his memory. She knew that wherever he was, he would be able to see them and know how much she still loved him.

And so, whenever anyone in the village saw a red rose, they remembered the love between Jack and Rose and the power of poetry to capture the beauty of the world around us.

love poems

About the Creator

kelly smart

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