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Exploring the Depths of Self and Soul.

By Johnpaul Okwudili Published 7 days ago 2 min read
Photo by Artem Sapegin on Unsplash

In the quiet pond of my mind,
thoughts ripple gently outward,
echoes of contemplation
disturbing the surface of serenity.

Each thought, a pebble dropped,
creates concentric circles,
expanding from the point of impact,
rippling across the still waters.

I watch as memories surface,
like shimmering fish beneath the surface,
darting in and out of shadows,
elusive yet ever-present.

Reflections of yesterday
dance upon the water's edge,
capturing moments like fireflies,
brief flashes of illumination.

I see the laughter of childhood,
echoes of innocence and wonder,
captured in the glint of sunlight,
skipping across the pond's surface.

I hear the whispers of first love,
fragile petals of emotion,
floating delicately on the breeze,
only to be swept away by time's current.

I feel the weight of mistakes made,
stones sinking to the pond's depths,
creating ripples of regret,
echoing through the corridors of my mind.

But amidst the turbulence of thought,
there is a stillness,
a sanctuary within,
where clarity resides.

I dip my fingers into the water,
tracing the ripples of reflection,
feeling the cool embrace of truth,
washing over me in gentle waves.

I contemplate the passage of time,
like water flowing inexorably,
carving valleys and canyons,
shaping the landscape of my soul.

I see the faces of loved ones,
mirrored in the pond's surface,
their smiles a beacon of warmth,
guiding me through life's labyrinth.

I hear the echoes of wisdom,
shared by mentors and guides,
their words a compass,
pointing true north in uncertain seas.

I taste the bitterness of loss,
like salt upon my lips,
a reminder of the fragility of existence,
the impermanence of all things.

Yet, in the depths of reflection,
there is resilience,
a resilience that rises like a phoenix,
from the ashes of adversity.

I embrace the complexities of life,
like colors blending on an artist's palette,
creating a tapestry of experience,
rich with texture and depth.

I marvel at the interconnectedness,
of all things,
how each action sends ripples,
through the web of existence.

I see how my choices,
like stones dropped into water,
send waves outward,
touching lives in ways unseen.

I confront my fears and doubts,
in the mirror of introspection,
peeling back layers of illusion,
to reveal the core of my being.

I find strength in vulnerability,
a willingness to dive deep,
beneath the surface of superficiality,
to discover hidden truths.

I learn to forgive myself,
for past mistakes and shortcomings,
recognizing that growth comes,
from embracing imperfection.

I celebrate the victories,
however small or fleeting,
like stars twinkling in the night sky,
each one a testament to resilience.

I weave my dreams into the fabric,
of the universe,
like threads of silver moonlight,
illuminating pathways to the future.

I am humbled by the vastness,
of the cosmos,
infinite and unknowable,
a reminder of my place in the cosmic dance.

I surrender to the ebb and flow,
of life,
like waves crashing upon the shore,
each one bringing gifts of insight.

I find peace in the rhythm,
of breath and heartbeat,
syncopated with the pulse,
of the universe itself.

And as I gaze into the pond,
of my own reflection,
I see not just one face,
but a mosaic of identities.

I am a child, filled with wonder,
an adolescent, searching for purpose,
an adult, navigating the complexities,
of love and loss.

I am a student, forever learning,
a teacher, sharing wisdom,
a friend, offering solace,
a stranger, crossing paths.

I am a dreamer, chasing stars,
a realist, grounding dreams,
a seeker, exploring mysteries,
a witness, to the unfolding drama.

I am all these things,
and more,
a kaleidoscope of possibilities,
each facet reflecting a different truth.

And as the ripples of reflection,
continue to spread outward,
I embrace the journey,
knowing that each wave,
is a ripple of my own making,
a ripple of my own choosing.

For in the pond of my mind,
thoughts ripple gently outward,
echoes of contemplation,
disturbing the surface of serenity.

But amidst the turbulence of thought,
there is a stillness,
a sanctuary within,
where clarity resides.

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Johnpaul Okwudili


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    Johnpaul Okwudili Written by Johnpaul Okwudili

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