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By robert rowePublished 2 years ago 1 min read
love underfoot

I lost my dad.

I lost my mom.

I lost my job.

I lost my way.

With nowhere else to turn I turned inward. Inside was total darkness and silence was all I heard. Sitting with myself in nothingness unlearning all my beliefs, truly caused me to realize my only friend was grief. So, I continued to sit and be with me, until the realization that these thoughts were thieves. Suddenly as if from above, came the equation no expectations plus zero judgement equals self-love.

When we know we are all one is the moment we will have won.

You are not lost you are right here, staring at love in the mirror. I see you looking back at me. Who are you? YOU are ME. I see me truly for the first time as I AM. I am the reflection of love.

The meaning of life, the road to redemption bliss and meaning, is to love oneself anew each moment, completely, unconditionally.

For the first moment in life, I fell in love with my imperfection, which I magically found in my reflection.

Seeing love for the first time as me, all the while learning that loss and grief led to the finding of who I'm meant to BE.

love poems

About the Creator

robert rowe

Starting again...anything is possible in my imagination......stay tuned

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