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Reconcile 2024

rapid pace

By Moharif YuliantoPublished 9 days ago 2 min read
Reconcile 2024
Photo by Daniel Beilinson on Unsplash

The year is twenty-twenty-four, a world of rapid pace,

Where tensions simmer, bridges burned, leave scars upon each face.

Disagreements fester, like wounds that won't take hold,

Words like weapons brandished, leaving stories left untold.

But in this fractured landscape, a yearning whispers low,

A longing for reconciliation, a chance for hearts to grow.

To mend the broken pieces, the bridges burned in haste,

To find a common ground again, a future not to waste.

The path to reconciliation, a journey paved with care,

Requires empathy and patience, a burden all must share.

To step into another's shoes, to see the world anew,

To understand their perspective, a different shade of blue.

Apologies unspoken, a weight that hangs so heavy,

Must be released with courage, a gesture brave and steady.

To own one's faults and failings, with honesty as guide,

A step towards forgiveness, where anger can subside.

Active listening, a gift beyond compare,

To hear the words unspoken, the emotions laid bare.

To truly hear each other, beyond the noise and fight,

To bridge the communication gap, and bring forth healing light.

Compromise, a dance of give and take,

Finding a middle ground, for a brighter future's sake.

Not victory for one, but progress made as one,

A tapestry co-woven, beneath the rising sun.

Forgiveness, a balm that soothes the wounded soul,

A choice to let go of anger, and make the heart whole.

It doesn't erase the past, but sets the spirit free,

To build a future filled with hope, a chance for all to see.

Reconciliation's journey, a marathon, not a sprint,

With setbacks and stumbles, where doubt may cause a dint.

But with perseverance, trust rebuilt with care,

A stronger bond emerges, a love beyond compare.

Technology, a tool to bridge the distant miles,

Connecting hearts across the world, with virtual smiles.

But face-to-face interactions, hold a power all their own,

A warmth in touch and eye contact, a love that's truly known.

In twenty-twenty-four, a world that craves connection,

Let's mend the fractured landscapes, with hearts filled with affection.

For reconciliation's song, a melody so sweet,

Can heal the wounds of division, and make our future complete.

So let us choose forgiveness, and understanding's embrace,

Rebuild the bridges burned in haste, and find a common space.

For in reconciliation's light, a brighter future lies,

Where hearts, once fractured, find their peace, beneath forgiving skies.


About the Creator

Moharif Yulianto

a freelance writer and thesis preparation in his country, youtube content creator, facebook

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran8 days ago

    This was such a fantastic poem. Loved it!

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