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Rainbow Paradise

A Billion Colors

By ANTICHRIST SUPERSTARPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 1 min read
Rainbow Paradise
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

I was living in my rainbow bubble

of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and lavender 

since I was eleven, but I was unaware.

Hiding from the world and my blue mother

I ended up in a ward of silence.

I feared I could not really fall in love

because of medications from my past.

Random links could barely recall a single word.

_ _

Can I write anything with authentic love

if I’m trapped within my neuroses?

Overwhelmed by how the world makes me feel,

I perpetuate my defeat.

_ _

I am now an adult with more understanding

and confidence in my rainbow world

no longer burdened by lies and gray doubts;

and I can paint the canvas of my life

in the styles of George Ault and van Gogh.

_ _

Let me be in love with my lover again.

The two of us got married under the yellow flowers of laburnum.

We had just enough time to watch the autumn leaves fall; 

to watch an ultramarine waterfall; 

to watch a starfall.

We could not talk;

in silence we worshipped 

those who knew how to live.

_ _

Indigo ocean beneath a gray sky

whispering Hyacinthine love to the world.

Ark of Noah, fins of fish; the ocean floods the earth with true bliss.

Ancient amber waves petrify heroes

who make love to redemption every year.

_ _

Am I a psychological artifact

from an era when the world was a stage

where heroes and cowards lived for more than just facts

and peasants knew how to channel their rage?

_ _

The teal blanket covers the skies

and brings pleasure to my new world of love

to assuage my champagne anxieties,

to bring me to the banquet of pink pride,

to my comrades of life.

_ _

Constellations are falling from the sky,

the fallen stars falling into rivers of flame.

I’m falling into dreams made of blue glass;

I cannot breathe

I’m lost inside this paradise I don’t want to leave.

slam poetry

About the Creator



Give me other parents and I will give you another world.

Da mihi chaste mater, et faciam tibi alium mundum.


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