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Poems on love and sex.

Best poem collection on love and poem

By Sujan PaudelPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Love and sex, intertwined and entwined,

Two forces of nature, impossible to unwind.

One brings connection, the other brings pleasure,

Both leave us wanting, in ways we can't measure.

Love brings depth, sex brings release,

Together they create a bond that won't cease.

The touch of a lover, the taste of their kiss,

In these moments of passion, nothing is amiss.

But love without sex, and sex without love,

Are hollow and empty, like a forgotten glove.

It's the combination of both that makes life complete,

A union of bodies and hearts, oh so sweet.

So let love and sex dance together in harmony,

Creating a symphony of intimacy.

For when they are in balance, there's nothing more divine,

Than two souls entwined, forever entwine.

Love and sex, intertwined,

A dance of bodies and minds,

Passionate flames that never tire,

A union of souls that inspire.

The touch of skin, electric sparks,

A language spoken in the dark,

The warmth of lips, the taste of sweat,

A symphony of pleasure and regret.

Love and sex, a tangled knot,

A battle fought and never won,

A bond that binds, a bond that frees,

A joy that's felt, a pain that's eased.

The rush of blood, the pounding heart,

The ecstasy that sets us apart,

The primal urge that drives us wild,

The sweet surrender of the child.

Love and sex, a paradox,

A journey that never ends,

A mirror of our deepest selves,

A revelation that transcends.

So let us love, let us be free,

Let us explore and discover,

Let us find our way together,

In this endless dance of love and sex forever.

Love and sex, intertwined

Passion ignites, our bodies entwined

Our hearts beat as one, our souls aligned

In this moment, everything else is left behind

The way your touch sends shivers down my spine

The way your lips taste, so sweet and divine

The way your eyes gaze, as if they're mine

In this moment, nothing else could feel as fine

Our bodies move, in perfect sync

Our breaths come quick, our hearts beat in a blink

Our passion burns, like the brightest ink

In this moment, nothing else can make us think

Love and sex, two sides of the same coin

A feeling of euphoria, that's hard to explain

A connection so deep, it's almost insane

In this moment, we forget about the pain

The pleasure we feel, it's like nothing else

Our bodies alive, with each other we delve

Our love so strong, we couldn't help ourselves

In this moment, nothing else could compel

Love and sex, a beautiful dance

A union of souls, in a passionate romance

A bond so strong, it's hard to enhance

In this moment, we take a chance

To feel alive, in each other's embrace

To feel complete, with every move we make

To feel loved, in the moments we create

In this moment, there's nothing else at stake

Love and sex, a beautiful thing

A connection so deep, it makes our hearts sing

A feeling of ecstasy, that makes our souls ring

In this moment, we feel like a king

Love and Sex, a beautiful pair

Two hearts that come together and share

The touch, the kiss, the intimate bliss

The bond that forms, nothing compares to this

Love, the flame that ignites the soul

A passion that takes over and makes us whole

It burns deep within, a fire that never fades

A connection that withstands the test of time, a bond that never degrades

Sex, the physical expression of desire

A union that sets our souls on fire

Two bodies that become one, a rhythm that flows

A dance of love, where the passion grows

Together, Love and Sex, a force to behold

A combination that is worth more than gold

Two hearts that beat as one, a bond that never dies

A love that is eternal, where passion never dies

Love and Sex, a beautiful pair

A love that is true, a passion that is rare

A bond that is strong, a connection that lasts forever

A love that is eternal, that no one can sever.

sad poetrysurreal poetryslam poetrylove poemsinspirationalheartbreakfact or fiction

About the Creator

Sujan Paudel

I love to write. And in a hunt for a platform to express my feelings, I have arrived in Vocal Media. Let's see where this journey takes me from here.

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