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Planet Earth is dying

We need an urgent remedy to save our home

By Novel AllenPublished 3 years ago 2 min read
Elena Mozhvilo - unspalsh


What does it mean to each of us?

Many different things, I am sure

What would your answer be?

A place where you would rather not be?

A beautiful kaleidoscope of colorful and diverse things, circumstances, people, animals, trees, flowers, oceans. lakes, rivers

The gift of colors for which our eyes are forever grateful

The joy of the aroma of fresh flowers

The impatient anticipation of a newborn child

The happy bark or purr of a four legged friend

The multi-dimensional screen through which we

View the diverse make up of the different nations and people of the universe

The wonderous blue sky up above, just existing out of seemingly


Our ability to walk upright and move majestically across the land

Our free will to make informed or ill informed choices

In our day to day interactions with others


A place where mother nature can choose to wreak such havoc

On humanity

One wonders if it is worth it all going on day after day


A place where 'man to man is so unjust, you know not whom to trust'

Where we turn our wrath on the innocent to appease our

own discontent

Like it or not, this planet is our HOME

Yet, we are destroying it

With greed, selfishness and lack of care for our fellow man

Our lust for power and more material things than we need to

Survive and thrive

Has driven us over the edge

And we are poised to destroy ourselves

The energy that we are harnessing to drive our greed is the

Very power that will annihilate us

Christofer Maximillan-unspalsh

Worry for the planet

Worry for the time when mother nature will take back her rightful place

And care not, (as we care not), who stands in her way

For she has given us ample time, ample warnings

Of how she will unleash her wrath upon us

If we do not protect the gift of life and home

which she has loaned to us for a short time

If we do not listen and heed her ever rumbling voice

Her ever splendid display of deadly lightning bolts

Across the sky

Volcanos, tornados, hurricanes, floods, pandemics, devastation

And death

Still we ignore her

She has grown tired, tired of of blatant disregard for the use of restraint

When demanding more and more from her store of protective

Gifts with which she covers us as a blanket that this world

Can continue, eternally, to thrive

She is running out of everything, she is almost depleted

Still we do not listen

Are we doomed

can we redeem ourselves

Are we even trying

A select few are making an effort

Will it be enough

I do not think it will

Still, we need to keep trying

Giving up is never an option

Only time will

How long our home will be here for us all



nature poetry

About the Creator

Novel Allen

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky. ~~ Rabindranath Tagore~~

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