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Boys Kills World: An Elegy of Innocence Lost


By Samson E. GiftedPublished about a month ago 4 min read
Boys Kills World: An Elegy of Innocence Lost
Photo by Chris Mai on Unsplash

In a realm where shadows swallow the sun,

Where innocence fades and darkness is spun,

A world unfolds beneath a sky of lead,

Where boys become men through rivers of red.

I. The Prelude to Destruction

Beneath the azure, skies once pure and bright,

A kingdom thrived, bathed in golden light.

Children's laughter danced upon the breeze,

In a symphony of joy, of hearts at ease.

But whispers grew in corners dark and deep,

A brewing storm, a nightmare in sleep.

Seeds of chaos sown in fertile ground,

Where innocence and malice both abound.

II. The Rise of Innocence Corrupted

Through fields of green where daisies kissed the sun,

Boys roamed free, their spirits on the run.

They played with sticks, imagined swords in hand,

Unknowing pawns in fate’s insidious plan.

In every heart a spark of wild desire,

A quest for power, to set the world afire.

Yet in their eyes still gleamed a child's light,

Unaware of shadows looming in the night.

III. The First Blood

The day dawned red, the sky a crimson hue,

A herald of the storm that no one knew.

In forests deep, where silence reigned supreme,

The first act of violence shattered the dream.

A cry, a clash, the sound of innocence lost,

A boy now a warrior, at such a cost.

Hands once clean, now stained with life’s cruel ink,

A heart once pure, now on the razor's brink.

IV. The March of the Lost

Through village streets, a parade of despair,

Boys now soldiers, with thousand-yard stares.

No longer games, but battles real and stark,

Each step a descent into the dark.

They march with fire in their youthful veins,

Wielding dreams now twisted into chains.

The world a canvas for their newfound rage,

Each battle fought, another chapter's page.

V. The World Engulfed

Across the plains, through cities old and grand,

The conflict spread like flames upon the sand.

Empires trembled, and kingdoms fell to dust,

A generation lost to war's dark lust.

Craters where playgrounds once had been,

Destruction’s mark on every sacred scene.

The laughter of children replaced by cries,

The light of hope now dim in their eyes.

VI. Reflections in the Ruins

Amidst the rubble, echoes of the past,

Fragments of a world that couldn’t last.

Boys now men, with hardened, haunted faces,

Haunted by dreams of far-off, safer places.

They pondered what their hands had wrought,

The battles won, the peace they never sought.

In moments rare, a tear might trace,

A reminder of a once innocent place.

VII. The Dawn of Regret

As dawn breaks over fields of fallen kin,

The realization of what’s been lost sets in.

No victor here, just sorrow’s endless song,

A testament to a world gone wrong.

For in their hearts the truth now lies,

In the reflection of their comrades’ eyes.

That boys who kill can never truly win,

For the price of blood leaves scars within.

VIII. A Hope Reborn

Yet from the ashes, a whisper of hope,

A fragile thread, a way to cope.

New generations rise from the pain,

Determined to break the bloody chain.

They plant new seeds in soil turned red,

With dreams of peace, a future to be led.

Lessons learned from history’s grave,

A vow to live, to love, to save.

IX. The Cycle’s End

The world rebuilt, a mosaic of the past,

With memories of shadows that were cast.

Boys become men, but with a wiser heart,

An understanding of war’s dark art.

They tell their tales to those who come anew,

Of how the world was changed by what they knew.

A cautionary tale, a solemn guide,

To never let such innocence collide.

X. The Final Lament

In the end, beneath the twilight’s shroud,

Boys who killed, now with heads bowed,

Remember the cost, the lives that bled,

The words unsaid, the tears they shed.

For in their hearts, a silent vow,

To honor those who cannot be with them now.

To build a world where peace can reign,

And never walk that path of pain.

XI. Epilogue: The Echoes of Time

Time moves on, as it always will,

But echoes of the past linger still.

In dreams, in songs, in whispered lore,

The tale of boys who killed the world of yore.

And as stars light the evening sky,

A reminder of the days gone by,

A promise in the night’s soft glow,

To guard the world, to let it grow.

XII. The Cycle Renewed

Yet always watchful, always near,

The specter of the past, the shadow of fear.

For as long as hearts beat with desire,

The spark of conflict can always re-fire.

But now with wisdom, with lessons learned,

The world stands ready, the tide has turned.

For boys who once would wield the sword,

Now hold the pen, now strike accord.

XIII. The Ode of Future

So here’s to hope, and here’s to peace,

To letting old animosities cease.

To nurturing the child within,

And cherishing the innocence therein.

For in the heart of every boy,

Lies the potential to destroy or to enjoy.

To build a world of light and grace,

A testament to the human race.

In every heartbeat, in every breath,

The choice between life and death.

To kill the world, or let it bloom,

To craft a future free of gloom.

XIV. The Eternal Vigil

So let us guard with tireless might,

The fragile dawn, the coming light.

For though the shadows ever near,

With hearts united, we persevere.

Boys may kill, but boys can save,

From the cradle to the grave.

With love and wisdom as our guide,

We turn the tide, stem the tide.

XV. The Final Chorus

In fields of green, beneath the sky,

The echoes of the past now lie.

A world reborn, from ashes rise,

A testament to those who tried.

So here’s to boys, and here’s to men,

To every soul, to every pen.

May the future that we build today,

Be a beacon of light, a hopeful way.

For in the end, we all are one,

Beneath the moon, beneath the sun.

And if we choose to live in peace,

The world’s dark pain, we can release.

Balladheartbreakfact or fiction

About the Creator

Samson E. Gifted

SEG, is a talented writer, editor, and publisher known for his exceptional storytelling and keen eye for detail. With a passion for words and a commitment to excellence earning a reputation as a respected figure in the publishing industry.

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    Samson E. GiftedWritten by Samson E. Gifted

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