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From My Hand - Two : You, Mouth

By Marcus RomanoPublished 3 years ago 2 min read
A : Window


Date 10/18/2021 - 10/20/2021

Time Integration [ (1:11 - 1:43), (1:36) , (1:55 - 2:51)]

Location Shaolin



(from My: Hand - Two : You, Mouth )


Q(A)B(A)L(A) - A: problem

“To Be,” demonstrated

What science - yet ! Explain


Stopping point of A;

Cyclical movement ;

Ten: concepts, different ;

Degrees of A:single-self-same-

Thing, “That,” THE : In-effable

AB-straction : Divine, essence

Occuring in First, RIght : Hand;

Numbers - force, modified

Through A:Medium - spread;

Circle of created things,

Issuing Gates - functions,

Practical in use - A;

Tain(t)ed - A : roused -

A: Mortal, Initiates


Pythagorus - initiated, self-same ;

Orpheus and Moses;

Egyptian Priests expressing Thought ;

First - simple, clear ; Second,

Symbolic and figurative ; Third,

Holy - Hero - Glyph : Sense


Speaking, constituting - Principles

Analogous : NOT - Identical

Cells of varied form - combine;

Organs, apparatus - function

Four - length, OF : A - Book ;

Permeating A - mysterious name

Creation of UNIVERSE, by

He-The-Gods, with A :

Form of God-d(R)ess

That A:n Art : Is - gives

Mathematical in relationship

Two : In : Visible - Idea


Spiritual counting, meaning ;

Successive journeys following - IT

Free of restraint In : Posed

By “This, “Worldly, “Matter”

Re:Fine-ing, Nu-Trial : E


“Secret” is 70 ; Ayin -

Devil : In - Details ;

Hand as A: Prop ;

Kept up, between Windows ;

Door that Air came through;

OR: Other - per(SUN:AL)mutation

“That” resonates with “You”

Emanating: Word(s)


Writer, assembling Letters ;

Germinating Word - “That,” “What,”

THIS - represents - A: Kind

Light, ladder of Truth

OF : One-Is-Own-Meaning

And grasping - holding : IT

surreal poetry

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