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Paradise in Repose


By RohitPublished 2 years ago 1 min read
Paradise in Repose
Photo by Killian Pham on Unsplash

Watching as water tumbles down
from cliffs where eagles soar,
splashing on rocks scattered below
with a loud and thundrous roar.
Bordering on fields of flowers
where mountains stand in silent awe,
ovelooking a world lush and green
perfection without any flaw.

Admiring as birds fly overhead
carefree in the gentle breeze,
blowing through meadows and forests
from far off inland seas.
Possessing beauty in abundance
beneath it's water crystal clear,
sparkling in the summer sun
where music all around you here.

Carrying forth seeds of life
on their waterways and streams,
spreading like branches ever further
to many possible dreams.
Shining like stars at night
for children to dare and touch,
playing games of make believe
not worried about fate as such.

Accepting what life has to offer
with faith and indifference
caring not what people think,
though surrounded by eerie silence.
Echoing words never spoken
because feelings are hard to expess,
when living for just a memory
that once brought happiness.

Remaining steadfast and sincere
while others seek to escape,
believing that love is magic
without any definite shape.
Coming in many different forms
each one special and unique,
giving life unto the world
so children might grow and think.

love poems

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