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"Painted Skies at Dawn"


By Milka RawadePublished about a year ago 1 min read
"Painted Skies at Dawn"
Photo by Jordan Wozniak on Unsplash

In the golden haze of the morning light,

As the world awakens from its peaceful night,

Dawn unfurls its gentle, radiant grace,

Painting the sky with a vibrant embrace.

The sun's first kiss on the earth's sleepy face,

Colors ablaze in a breathtaking chase,

Birds' sweet melodies fill the crisp air,

Nature's symphony, beyond compare.

Soft whispers of hope whisper through the trees,

A new beginning, carried on the breeze,

Dewdrops glisten like diamonds on the ground,

As life's endless wonders astound.

With each passing moment, dreams take flight,

A canvas of possibilities, shining bright,

Dawn's magic lingers, casting its spell,

A reminder of the beauty in life's story to tell.

In a hundred words, this humble ode,

To the marvel of dawn, forever bestowed,

A timeless symbol of hope's tender gleam,

Guiding us through life's intricate dreams.

nature poetry

About the Creator

Milka Rawade

Milka Rawade is a versatile writer interested in writing about various topics, including stories, recipes, and comedy.

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