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Pack It All In

Words for the Weary Wanderers

By Wolé Marville Sr.Published 3 years ago 2 min read
Pack It All In
Photo by Mantas Hesthaven on Unsplash

Since the day you were born, life supplements you with pain.

Many enter with dreams of happiness but exit with hope slain.

Everything you try comes to the same conclusion.

Success seems to everyone else, but to you, it's an illusion.

A life filled with failures and fruitless efforts, rarely feeling glory.

Quietly you endure alone; no one to hear your despairing story.

So much trauma to talk about, but where to begin?

So you decide to forget the pain by packing it all in...

When the heart is full, the mouth will speak.

But your heart is empty... your voice is weak.

The journey ahead is longer than walking the equator's entire length.

You have no choice but to finish, you must apply your entire strength.

Sometimes your so mad you can't see any color but red.

Other times you’re so down all you see is darkness ahead.

What good is the darkness if you can't make it to dawn?

So you pack it all in... and decide to move on...

You quest like Jason searching for the Golden Fleece

But you don't seek the eminence, just a small piece of peace

You try to slow it down and bring your jog to a stroll

And for once, things seem perfect and slightly in control

Nothing peculiar, nothing out of the norm

But, it’s always calmest in the eye of the storm

Like always, something goes wrong, all hopes lost again

So you do what you do best and just pack it all in

But all that packing it in will push you to the end of your rope...

That's when you have to hold on tightest, you can never lose hope...

Even when your best-case scenario still looks inexplicably bleak...

It's ok not to have the answers... that doesn't make you weak...

Even after the easiest victories, the greatest of armies still must regroup...

Take time to collect and assess your thoughts; take time to recoup...

It's okay to reach out when you can no longer push and even pull...

Know when to stop and unpack with a friend... your bag is too full...


About the Creator

Wolé Marville Sr.

Educator and youth sports coach. Married, father of four, who loves sports, movies, and music. Closer to 40 than 30, figuring it out, day by day. A story-teller from a family of story-tellers trying something old but in a new way.

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