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Occult Poetry Exercise #TBT

Day 7 | 25 Days of Poetry Challenge

By SB. Published 3 years ago 1 min read
Occult Poetry Exercise #TBT
Photo by Loren Cutler on Unsplash

Today I'm sharing a short poem I wrote following an interesting structure proposed by occult poetry writer, Janaka Stucky. Him and Pam Grossman hosted a wonderfully witchy writing workshop earlier this year in April that encouraged me see the things I dislike most in a totally different way. Yes, it is a #TBT, and no it is not Thursday, but felt like sharing this today in lieu of the poem I originally wrote for Day 7 - which was in Spanish and cannot be shared on this platform without a translation (which I didn't want to do).

"I honor you

Mystical cats, masters of boundaries

I honor you

Bugs that are brown and black like the beginning and end of life

I honor you

Rotting, but righteous holes of existence

I thank you

Sunny mornings for filling all voids

I thank you

Blankets that temper our weather and weathering hearts

I thank you

Pink things, like starfish and stars for sharing your magic with me."

These are: extra words for approval. To make things count.

I cannot exist with my current amount

of symbols and sounds that mean so much more!

But still, here I am,

as myself here I am: nothing less than before.

This poem is part of a series of 25 daily word experiments I am committing to for the month of October. The motto: “Sometimes garbage, sometimes sweet, not fun everyday, but everyday anyway!” Intrigued to experience what can be created (and discovered) in the process of developing a consistent writing practice, I will be writing a poem a day until my Vocal+ subscription ends at the end of the month. Let’s gooooo!

love poems

About the Creator


Hi! I’m Siena. I’m a word witch and an actual witch. I like to write when I feel like it 🌓 🌊

my other experiments 👽…

Aquí 👉@sb_insight ✨

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