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(Not) One of Us

a lament. a politically charged poem of injustice. a cry for help. venting. from a need to be heard and not forgotten.

By Kayleigh Fraser ✨Published 9 months ago 5 min read
(Not) One of Us
Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash

she takes form of a beggar just to test,

the love in the hearts of all the rest,


the price of a coffee too much to give,

to help her survive, to help her live,


oh, it’s it’s such a bitter pill,

so few want to, or will


people she would have done anything for,

even those she took in when they came to her door,


people now sleeping safe and sound,

after she helped them to turn their lives around,


people she fed when they fell through the cracks,

no will at all to help her back


she couldn’t imagine not helping another,

in her situation, any sister or brother,


even a person considered an enemy,

would have received the price, of a cup of tea,


people she had given all her time for,

to be by their side, when they needed her more,


memories of offering to shave her hair

to raise money for another when they needed care,


nowhere, nowhere to be seen

their hearts warped by thoughts so very mean,


people she loved with all her heart,

no longer benefiting from her spark


quick to turn their backs for good,

leaving her alone to beg for food


and what of her county I hear you say?

well that’s a story for another day


Scotland has no voice allowed,

no way to help their citizen in shroud


for it still remains a chained prisoner

at the mercy of Westminster


who were told not to help or intervene

according to information that she’s seen


political hand shakes and meeting some president’s wife

is far more important than her life


what a sorry world to see,

greed valued before liberty


at least for today she’s not inhaling mould,

or sleeping with ants from a cheap room sold,


today she has water and clean sheets to sleep,

and even a pillow to comfort as she weeps


releasing pain, a salt river of tears,

allowing the ground to absorb her fears


she refuses to turn her heart angry or bitter,

instead she chooses to become emotionally fitter,


working to keep her energy aloft

protecting her sweetness, keeping her heart soft


a year passes by - with few real people

only this digital world, that’s become her steeple


and she thanks in prayer everyday,

every piece of kindness that’s come her way,


blessing every single soul,

who have helped her to pay this heavy toll


for defending the people who don’t even care,

to understand what she did for them there,


warped by judgements not their own,

programmed so easily by their phone


rising above bitter is the hardest task of all,

especially knowing there is nowhere left to fall,


no help at all for doing what was right,

calling out a force of might,


who used their power to hurt and harm,

so their friends can poison the working man’s farm


a web of greedy policy

that harms us all, don’t you see?


she works so hard to remain sane,

in a world so hateful, this world of blame


a world of poison that slowly kills

anything that speaks out against the ills


of honour-less dogs and mutts who run,

these countries just to have their own fun,


so hard to fight against my emotion,

so I learn to release it, for I have a better potion


one that heals and cures all ills

one that fuels creations at will,


I fill my heart with love for all,

no matter what, despite my fall,


because I understand that life

is powered by love and not by strife


and even when my hair fell in clumps

& my skin broke out in poisoned lumps


Even on the days of the worst stress

and I became a crying mess


Still I chose to return to my heart

we had journeyed this far, no way I would part


but paying yet another hefty fee

watching my health and youth decline before me


for trying to help those less fortunate than me

people who needed all the world to see


what was happening here as they tried to raise

their voices against threats of the grave


their bravery and courage inspired me so

that they continued to rise even after that blow


on 9th May (22) when THUGS were paid

to come on buses and start a raid


to beat unarmed man and woman and child

burning all to the ground, leaving the protest defiled


I still can’t believe what my eyes have seen

military and government working as a team


against their own people poor and needy

whilst they fill their pockets

heartless and greedy


and then there’s the man who stole from me,

more crafty and deceitful than I knew anyone could be


an easy target he knew wouldn’t complain

to corrupt police and relive that trauma again


how very hard to rise above

the wrath that fits me like a glove


how easy to wish him a life of pain

for seeing me only as a way to gain


material things that bring nothing real

as you crushed my spirit in order to steal


things that had meaning only to me,

my writings and journals, sentimental jewellery


instead of my heart growing in hate

I decide to put my trust into fate


and you gain my pity, for it will be true

that karma will return tenfold to you


oh how sorry you will be be,

for all of the pain done unto me


you think you’ll ever manage to sell

your soul out of this Sri Lankan life of hell?


I hope that you do, I hope that you

For then you’ll be forced to remove your disguise,


and face the shame of who you've been

the face that only I have seen

and it will be me on that day

who will forgive you and help you to pray


asking forgiveness for all your wrong

because that’s the depth of my love so strong


I deeply know the cure for this Earth

Is love from within, the most powerful force


I’m the solution, I make it so

It doesn’t matter how others choose to go,


It only matters what I carry inside

And I choose for love to be my bride


I choose love no matter what

Because I refuse to sit and rot,


and rot I would, if I were to allow

negative emotion to sit behind my brow


I rinse it off, I shake it out

I make space for love, no room to pout


I exhale slow and inhale deep

allowing peace to begin to seep


back into my blood, where it should be

the foundation of love and joy energy


so next time you think you have it so tough,

know there are others who have it just as rough


and if I choose to smile, then so can you

because practice makes love

so easy to do


This song was in my mind as I was posting this. It seems fitting to link it here.

Above is a video of me reading this poem. I mess up the reading in the middle, but it was too emotional and I couldn’t face re-recording. I hope my vulnerability inspires ✨

social commentarysad poetryperformance poetry

About the Creator

Kayleigh Fraser ✨

philosopher, alchemist, writer & poet with a spirit of fire & passion for all things health & love related 💫

“When life gives you lemons,

Know you are asking for them.

If you want oranges, focus on oranges”


INSTAGRAM - kayzfraser

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

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Comments (5)

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  • slimizzy9 months ago

    Congratulations on your Top Story

  • Mariann Carroll9 months ago

    Great song to accompany your poetry 💓

  • Jazzy 9 months ago

    Reading this, as ThatWriterWoman pointed out, is super emotionally charged, almost felt like listening to Zombie by the Cranberries. SO well done!

  • ThatWriterWoman9 months ago

    "people now sleeping safe and sound, after she helped them to turn their lives around," is a STUNNING line! I had to sit and absorb the emotions it made me feel for a while! You are a ball of metal, only made brighter and tougher by the burning flames and the hits of the hammer. The choice you made not to fracture is the essence of your strength. Beautifully done. I am keeping this one in my heart!

  • Babs Iverson9 months ago

    Loving it!!!

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