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Nocturne's Enchantment

A Lyrical Embrace of Nature's Moonlit Reverie

By Printique StudiosPublished 8 days ago 1 min read

As twilight's veil descends with hushed caress,

The meadow stills, in evening's soft embrace.

The ancient oaks, their branches intertwined,

Stand witness to the night's enchanted grace.

Then, like a curtain drawn upon the stage,

The moon ascends, a lustrous pearl above.

Her radiant beams, a gentle, silvery mage,

Weave moonlit tapestries of cosmic love.

The quiet grass, in hushed tranquility,

Becomes a carpet bathed in lunar light.

Each blade caressed by moonbeams' alchemy,

A verdant sea beneath the starry night.

Shadows dance, in silent reverie,

Engaging moonbeams in a pas de deux.

A mesmerizing, ethereal ballet,

Where nature's magic comes into full view.

Niightingale's sweet trill, a melting strain,

Resounds amidst this realm of dreams unfurled.

Its aria drifts upon the zephyr's wane,

A serenade to the moon's enchanted world.

In this still hush, where time stands hushed and awed,

The soul awakens to a timeless place,

Where earth and heaven merge in one accord,

And beauty reigns with unrestricted grace.

Let nature's lyric lull your heart to rest,

And find repose within her moonlit arms.

For in this reverie, so gently blessed,

The spirit soars, embraced by night's sweet charms.

nature poetryinspirationalart

About the Creator

Printique Studios

A poetic journey weaver, I craft verses that paint the canvas of life with hues of dreams and determination. Their words resonate with empowerment, encouraging others to forge their destinies and embrace gratitude.

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran8 days ago

    This was so magical and mesmerising. Wonderful poem!

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