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No Cap

Let's Talk

By Svilleg6Published 2 months ago 1 min read
No Cap
Photo by Gabe Pierce on Unsplash

"Alright, let's settle in everyone. Let's talk about something real for a minute.

Have you ever walked down the street and felt a strange energy coming your way? Like someone's judging you based on the color of your skin, your accent, or your religion? Yeah, me too.

We live in a beautiful world, but some build walls to divide us.

Now, let me be clear.

We all have our differences, it makes life interesting, like spices in a dish!

But hate?

That's a rotten ingredient that spoils everything.

"It leads to violence."

and tears families apart, and for what? Because someone looks different or believes differently? It makes zero sense.

Think about it, we all bleed the same red and laugh at the same funny cat videos online.

We all want to feel safe and adored and build a future for ourselves and our loved ones.

So why can't we see that in each other? Why can't we tear down these walls of hate and build bridges of understanding instead?

War? Don't even get me started on war.

People send other people to fight and die, and countries are left in ruins, all because of some pointless power struggle.

It's like watching kids fight over a broken toy, except the stakes are way higher.

Listen, there has to be a better way.

We have to choose love and empathy.

Let's celebrate our differences and use them to learn from each other and grow.

Imagine a world where skin color doesn't matter, where borders are open doors, and where weapons are turned into playgrounds sounds pretty good.

So let's be the change.

Let's speak up when we see hate and stand together against racism and violence.

Let's choose peace, one conversation, one act of kindness at a time.

Because in the end, we're all in this together, on this big, beautiful planet. And that, my friends, is a story worth telling."

Friendshipsurreal poetryStream of Consciousnessslam poetrysad poetryperformance poetrynature poetrylove poemsinspirationalart

About the Creator


I wear many hats: entrepreneur, 5-star hospitality pro, and a passionate cook who loves whipping up delicious meals. Here, I share stories, tips, and inspiration for those on a similar journey. Join me for more creations.

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