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Natural Neutral Xector Yolo Zum

Sum double down vectors Mmace maybe...

By Mmace HeavyhammerPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 3 min read

Natural Neutral Xector Yolo Zum

Saturday, July 24, 2021

4:31 PM

Passive indifference and the calm before the storm, wrapped in the spirit of the wandering wizard.

Lucid the dream lent me the will to bend the fabric of time, and leverage quill.

To render the picturesque presentation, of sum such splendorous wonder, quite the jigsaw puzzle, piece fits, perfect still, and wizards words elicit what a wizards words will.

But the limelight was just an mimic of the real thing, that Green light of neutrality.

Running the gamut, broadsword stroke, conscious qualities of the arcane mote…

Lizard gizzard meat pie, dragons know to beware of creatures like I.

Poised alight upon a paradox, when that Green light floods exsistence rendering why, luminance translucent indelible sigh.

Reason for the season of tangible love, rainbows know it the zero sum.

Hemi demisemiquaver trills filling eternity thrill, endeavoring to explain peace and purposed will.

Magi thought ethereal knot, remains still, unto the whole, integer instilled…

Distilled essence presence of mind, do unto others only that which is kind.

But don yon magic armor, and bear the blade anathema maranatha against those who break the peace.

Those who question neutralities ill will, and Devine chill, unbalancing in the least.

Usually come to regret trying, and even more thinking they could win.

For the force of natural neutrality that Green light betwixt, turns not away those whom hail as friend

Some would consider this sword a knife, piece of the equations' pi slice.

Expressive consistancy exquisite archaic blade, the sum and the motes, expressions twain.

Bold endowment infusive love, pervasive prosperity intrinsically beloved.

Safe as the knowledge of bigger hands, and holding the line for the good of man.

The greater love it needs these things, the Green blessed light of neutrality

Penchant and proclivity for the Yellow of Love, and holding true to the Righteous Blue, backdrop for, holly holding dove.

Green is the color, that perspective modifier natural neutral as the valleys and fields.

Trees know it stillness, and creatures know it peace, care and consideration and never by measure least.

Full to the fullness, balance in the war, the ground we stand upon leveraging our hearts.

Magi mix magic and measure carefully, for the potency of the spell lies in the grounding in reality

Babbling brooks bemused muses wry smiles, the cantor of rhyme, and wizards errant wandering through the forests of the mind.

Sublime the touch of the libations brews, amber the hues and honeysuckle dews.

But stoically the wizard, was deigned to exsist lost in the timing of a lost premise.

Quite indeed quantum cyphers including, musing smile tucked away for wit worthwhile amusing, pardon me, for sum such thing, elusive all the while as electricity.

Holding place for the greater value, neither negative nor positive, zero sum remainders sustain, to a higher power pertaining, intrinsic float pi power gained…

Explained in the nature of the game, the Green of Neutrality was the fabric of time, and space.

The wizard Mmace, sauntered on at an average pace.

Just wait and see as the magic unfolds and the days sustain, knowledge knows, knot, a lot imbued, time in the telling, magics welling pool.

The wizards furrowed brow, as he stopped and he pondered you now.

Just hold your horses, don’t get a big head, don’t get ahead of yourself, instead.

Remember it's not a sprint but a marathon, if you stumble and fall but survive, carry on…

Hold your head high wizarding kin, if you need strength of a staff, count me as friend.

Hurtling through space and time, wizards like us, must bear in mind, a beer is better drank with friends because, yes expressly echoes refrain.

Besides as it were, so shall it be again, and in time the peace of neutrality, will bring balance to the force, gilded and golden truth unveiled.

Incorrigible wizard I am who I am, quite perturbing and surly, surely someone has said.

But critics critique and guide us in consideration, I hope they quantify the whole equation….

If you're still reading, you have my express gratitude in this.

You’re the why of the reason, if I am not mistaken.

And so on and so forth the wizard dictated, my notes on his lecture and lesson truncated.

Errors redacted and redundancies reduced in iteration, expressly for the joy of neutral cognitions, express expression.

Remaining relevant to those who love to read, and to them that whom, words stir their soul's, a lesson on magic, neutrality, solid gold.

~un-named Apprentice to the Wonderful Wizard, Mmace Heavyhammer.

surreal poetry

About the Creator

Mmace Heavyhammer

Mad Magi Actually Coherent Echoes

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