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mosaic moments


By Kelly DickersonPublished 4 months ago 1 min read
Joy and wonder

Absolutely, an abecedarian poem is a wonderful way to express and explore the intricacies of everyday life. Here is an abecedarian poem illustrating the highs and lows of life, as well as the inherent beauty, joy, and wonder it contains.

An awakening begins with the dawn,

Brimming with possibilities, as a new day is born.

Coffee brews, like the hope that stirs within,

Daring us to face the world, to lose or to win.

Each moment, a gift, we are given to mold,

Filled with potential stories to be told.

Giggles of children, like a sweet melody,

Highlight the joy, life's beautiful symphony.

In every corner, in every nook,

Joy is waiting, you just have to look.

Kindness shown, a hand extended,

Life is a tapestry, beautifully blended.

Moments of sadness, they too will appear,

Not to break us, but to make things clear.

Overcoming challenges, we find our strength,

Perseverance leads us to go to any length.

Quiet moments of solitude, time to reflect,

Reminding us of our journey, the path we select.

Sunsets paint the sky, a stunning display,

Teaching us the beauty of ending the day.

Under the stars, dreams are conceived,

Visions of tomorrow, to be achieved.

Wonder fills our hearts, as we gaze at the night,

Xanadu found, in the soft moonlight.

Yesterday's memories, today's embrace,

Zest for life, in every place.


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