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Missing You

for all those that have been called home

By Kristina White Published 3 years ago ā€¢ 2 min read
Missing You
Photo by Karim MANJRA on Unsplash

The heart is such a strong but fragile thing. Overcoming loss, being broken, and somehow still heals enough for us to carry on. It beats for life, and yet emotions from our souls keep it damaged. Without it we could not exist.

Missing you everyday since you went away. All to soon, you were taken from this earth and those who love you. Sometimes called to relieve the pain, sometimes, accidents happen, sometimes there is no reason to be had, it is just time. No one left behind is ever truly ready for this.

Missing you brings memories of happiness, love and joy. No matter what I do I think of you. No matter the task, big or small, I have you with me. Watching and protecting, as you always have. Carrying on as you would have wanted, trying to be strong when I only want to hide. There is no time period for missing you.

Others try to understand, and to a point they do, for they have surly lost someone too. Everyone is different, and have different levels on which they heal. I don't know if I will ever be as I was, for I miss you so.

No more phone calls, no more visits,no more memories to be made. I so wish you had a phone to talk to me when things get bad. I yearn to share my moments of being glad. I talk to the empty room with which I am in, praying you hear me. I have to believe you do. It just helps me.

I don't believe I can ever truly say good-bye, you live in my heart, and stay by my side. I will forever share each moment and time, as I watch the family continue to grow. Knowing the love you shared with each one, I strive to do what needs to be done. Love them greatly as you have shown, help them through whatever they need to be done.

It hurts to write these words from my heart, but share with the world such a greatness I might. I think you would be proud of the things I am doing, for your encouragement is my will to keep going. The pain is real and I may never fully heal. Your voice imprinted within my mind, I hear what you have been saying.

I share with the world what you said I could do, so hear my words this is for you.

Missing you is so hard to do, for you may not be here in body, you are part of my soul. So love I send everyday, to the Heavens above. Maybe they reach on the wings of a dove. You maybe gone but you will never be forgotten, in our hearts, and in our souls, you will live on. Always and Forever we love you and are Missing you.

A note from the Author: Grieving is the hardest thing we ever have to do. So for all those who have felt the heartache, and loss, You are not alone. Everyday people grieve and still feel alone. Feeling lost. Talk to someone, who can help you, talk to who ever you may be missing. Look within yourself to find the strength to carry on.

sad poetry

About the Creator

Kristina White

writing since 13 but now trying to for-fill my dream of using words to help others

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