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Mental Health (A Piece of "Our Collab")

(Part 5 for Kiesha) https://vocal.media/authors/poems-by-kiesha

By JPublished 3 years ago 2 min read

We shall carry on with this collaboration as I fill in the gaps,

Mental Health is where it will begin but undoubtedly won't be the end.

This topic is still delicate & will be acknowledged as such while our words enwrap,

Because we all deal with it in one form or another as it fluctuates again & again.

The very essence of who we are hangs in the Balance of the health of our mental:

Our Emotional, Psychological, & Social well-being.

Now we all know it affects how we think, feel & act in a way that is monumental,

But there are more sides than a myriagon that goes unnoticed to most which alone causes ill-being.

Depression & Anxiety goes hand & hand as if it was Pure Harmony,

It even sometimes invites "Friends" that only barricade of minds.

Although we learn to hide it so well, we still succumb to its Erratic Misery,

We also forget that others are at war themselves too as we ourselves also decline.

A lot of us know how it feels to be stuck or mentally tired,

While others feel so hurt, beat down by life & just overwhelmed.

It makes us afraid to even look at ourselves because the pain is mirrored,

Especially when we didn't invite any of this into our lives that take control while we are propelled.

It becomes more clear that it is different for everyone,

Although pain is, pain we all experience everything in a slightly different way.

Some have to only fight 1 battle & it's all said & done,

But some of us fight for their lives every single day & they become so tired & choose their form of "Freedom" as some would like to say...

Little do we realize that all it takes is One; One thing to happen or One to take a stand,

To find a way to unlock a new level of our minds & counter everything that we were once dealt.

Whether if it's One special person, or One simple act that is oh-so grand,

Either way Life was created to have a way to present things to us that will either plague our minds or make our heart melt.

I learned all this when I was just 6 years old,

I didn't know it was depression; I just about how me being happy was saddest lie.

For the next 12 years it only corrupted my mind & tainted my heart that left me to feel alone & cold,

&, with the physical abuse it only developed anxiety which later progressed to paranoia that was so bad that I just wanted to say Goodbye...

Overall, I will only get better just like you as our & everyone else's paths will become bright,

May we all each other take our First Steps in the right direction even if it's done out of stealth.

I'm overjoyed to know that I am helping you see that hopeful light,

But thank you, Kiesha for allowing me to write a little for/with you & others, hopefully this will reach at least one more person to speak out about Mental Health.


About the Creator


Gather around everyone... It's Storytime

& maybe, just maybe, one of these can help you through the day..

- Jacob

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