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Reflections of a life's journey

By Betty OnesjayPublished 14 days ago 1 min read

In the pages of my memoir, I find,

A tapestry of memories intertwined,

Each chapter a journey, a story to tell,

Of moments lived and lessons learned well.

From the innocence of childhood's embrace,

To the trials of youth, with its hurried pace,

I trace the lines of my life's design,

In the passages of this memoir of mine.

There are tales of love, both lost and found,

Of friendships forged on solid ground,

Of dreams pursued with unwavering might,

And the battles fought in the dead of night.

In the quiet moments, I pause and reflect,

On the roads traveled, the paths intersected,

For every twist and turn, every rise and fall,

Has shaped the person standing tall.

Through laughter and tears, joy and pain,

I've carved my path, unafraid to reign,

For in the telling of my memoir's tale,

I find solace in knowing my truth prevails.

So let the words flow, the ink run free,

As I write the story that belongs to me,

For in these pages, I find my voice,

In this memoir, I find my choice.

First Draft

About the Creator

Betty Onesjay

Betty Onesjay: architect of imagination. Dive into realms where dreams meet reality. With boundless creativity, I craft tales evoking emotions and stretching imagination. Welcome to a world of fantasy, realism, and boundless imagination.

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