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Praying for hope

By OsasPublished 10 months ago 1 min read
Photo by Mike Newbry on Unsplash

In the land of Maui, where the sun shines bright,

A fierce inferno blazes with all its might.

The year is 2023, a time of despair,

As wildfire ravages the island and fills the air.

The flames dance and flicker, devouring the trees,

Sending smoke billowing high, carried by the breeze.

Communities evacuated, fleeing the danger,

As firefighters battle, their efforts a wager.

With courage and strength, they fight day and night,

Facing intense heat, pushing with all their might.

Helicopters soar above, dropping water like rain,

Trying to quench the flames, ease the island's pain.

But the wildfires surges on, relentless and bold,

Consuming homes, leaving hearts empty and cold.

The people stand united, refusing to lose hope,

Band together they will, in their struggle to cope.

Neighbors helping neighbors, lending a hand,

Rebuilding what is lost, on this treasured land.

The aloha spirit cannot be burned away,

The resilience of Maui, will rise from the fray.

2023 will forever be a reminder,

Of the strength in unity, when faced with a fire.

Maui's spirit prevails, resilient and true,

And together they will rise, stronger than before, it's true.

Let's help if we can.


sad poetrysocial commentary

About the Creator


Writer, reader, commentator, and everything else in between. I've been writing on and off since I was 12 years old. Love to read news on just about everything.


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