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Machine Wash Warm Tumble Dry

Mantra of the Mundane

By TalyaPublished 10 months ago 2 min read
Photo by Yousef Salhamoud on Unsplash

In a past life the day didn't always start with the sunrise. In a past life the day didn't always have a "routine." In a past life the habit was a wash of hot mess of whirling and wringing. A fierce force, sometimes of my own fruition, a sucking the marrow out of life kind of thing. Other times... Other times, life was leading me. At some points there would be rough routines, but nothing close to an imaginable "mundane" of traditional life.

Sometimes I'd wake around 2 AM or 3 AM or 4 AM. Are we going to stay up and get ready to work in the office to prep before going to the trading floor? Have I woken from a nap or sleep sleep? Is it actually sometime in the middle of the day? Noon perhaps? Which job are we going to today? Am I going to the theater to stage manage? What day is it? What time is it? Where are we? No, really. Where are we. What state am I in? Not just mental state - actual. physical. state. Am I on my way to work for a tv show? A movie? Am I in Chicago? Am I in Los Angeles? Have I woken up on a couch? A train? A rental car? A plane? A sidewalk? Never again on a sidewalk. Never again.

Who? What? Where? When? How?

Did I eat today?

Hot. Wringing. Mess.


I wake. I know I shouldn't pick up my phone first thing. People are always saying that. Create more; consume less. But it's routine. And it suits me. THIS is my meditation. My hymn of the habitual. This is me embracing the mundane. Catechism in a year. Bible in a year. Daily Mass. Breakfast and breathe. Pick any one thing from the four block categories: [1] mental self-care and life admin-ing, [2] editing, layout, and graphic design work, [3] home chores, [4] something physical and fun and/or something new (usually inline skating or trying a new restaurant or cafe). Review the day. Review the week. Inventory and gratitude. A daily rinse and repeat. A machine wash warm tumble dry.

Machine wash warm tumble dry.

Wake. Pray. Eat. Drink. Work. Work. Work. Fun. Inventory. Gratitude. Sleep.

Wake. Pray. Eat. Drink. Work. Work. Work. Fun. Inventory. Gratitude. Sleep.

Wake. Pray. Eat. Drink. Work. Work. Work. Fun. Inventory. Gratitude. Sleep.

The mantra: Machine wash warm tumble dry.

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About the Creator


A cross between a Xennial and Zennial but never a millennial. Lover of the oxford comma and ellipsis.

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  • Nate Laundry4 months ago

    Accepting the pulse of life as if it were a well-maintained machine. Like the commercial machines at Nate Laundry, your daily routine is a symphony of tasks. To get the freshness you deserve, find your equilibrium and allow life's daily cleansing. https://www.natelaundry.com/

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