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Love is a Good Word

I don't want to hide it

By HufflecupPublished 2 years ago 1 min read

if I am in love with you

Why can’t I say it out loud

Why am I embarrassed to care about someone so much that I would die for them

That I would go to the ends of the earth to save them

That I would write a song so good about them that if other people heard it would be a world-famous love song and we could make money from it

that I would introduce you to new people as the love of my life

The love of all my lifetimes

A love so powerful

It finds each other a thousand times

We created the idea of heaven as a place that keeps our loved ones safe from harm for eternity

I wish I could give you heaven on earth

Every moment with you would bring me happiness

So why should I not get to be happy

I would never dream of being angry with you

Not if I could be looking into those eyes instead

You are my muse

My person

I know it

Like a sailor knows the sea

So it has to be real

Can we start our lives together now

Seeing bad movies

Telling bad jokes

Doing things you like but I don’t just to be with you

And having bad days

But knowing an eternity of hard days

Could never cause this love to fade

love poems

About the Creator


I want nothing more than to dedicate my life to writing, so I figured I would start here to test the waters. I will be submitting stories to as many communities as possible.

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