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Love at First Site

Is it more than Infatuation and Lust

By Dianna HoilandPublished 2 years ago Updated 4 months ago 5 min read
Love at First Site
Photo by Nick Nice on Unsplash

By simple chance we met

The rain poured as I pulled into park

The drive to dangerous to make it home

A familiar bar to escape the downpour

An invite for a second date to spice up the night

Next to the door I escaped the rain and lit a smoke

You stood there doing the same

As I waited for another to arrive

We chatted briefly in the moon light

Your friendly nature felt welcoming

You asked to buy me a beer

I obliged and we chatted at the bar until he arrived

You accent interested me and led to conversations of foreign lands

My date arrived but I felt drawn to our conversation

He sat quietly as we talked, never one for conversation

You asked me questions with amazing answers

Told me stories of the past and the present

I left when he did, as any lady would

But longed to stay just a little bit longer

By BENCE BOROS on Unsplash

We planned to go shooting, you gave us both your number

He bailed of course, more interested in getting me into bed

I texted first, curious if you felt the same connection

Plans to grab a drink got rescheduled

Always just out of reach

Once again, I asked to meet

You obliged,

The same bar, a different night

Butterflies filled my stomach as I arrived

Some liquid courage calmed my nerves

Your smiled calmed me as we chatted about life

We stepped outside to grab a smoke and shared music of foreign tongues

You complimented my singing

Asked me to teach you to dance

Then you complemented my passion

I found that intriguing

So nice to be noticed for more than my looks for a change

We danced briefly beside the bar

Your smile lit up the night

We got more comfortable as the night grew later,

Another smoke break to escape the noise at the bar

All alone under the city lights

A chilly night

You asked to hold me

I kissed you instead

Unable to contain my interest

It lasted more than a few moments

Your arms around me

The passion in your kiss enticed me

The world a bit foggy as we parted

A good night kiss as I left for home

That was only the beginning

By Caleb Ekeroth on Unsplash

You told me you loved me

I told you it was foolish

Lust and infatuation, I blamed for your interest

A history of love gone wrong

My heart felt cold

But still I agreed to meet you time after time

Drawn in by our conversations that never lost my interest

By your smile that warms my heart

Such inviting lips

All the nights kissing in your car after a few beers

Like kids

Hiding from our parents

Our passion for each other kept growing

I love you, you would say at every parting

I laughed at the foolishness I thought you were creating

Secretly I longed to hear you say those words once more

You stole me away for an escape to the lake

The room was cozy and intimate

I was nervous and awkward

You told me how your name meant the sun

I found it suiting as you light up my days

I played with your necklace when you laid it on my chest

We showered together

I never felt a touch so gentle

The day ended

Back to our lives once again

Responsibilities, commitments, family, and friends

They always seem to get in the way

I longed for your touch but hid my intentions

Afraid to give my heart away

We watched the sun set in the distance

You kissed me before me parted

Painting by Dianna Hoiland

We met for drinks once again

Chatted about the responsibilities we wished to leave behind

You complimented my laugh

A sound you loved to hear

We kissed under the moon light

Giggled when a stranger walked up

Unafraid to express our feelings

Not hindered by judgement

Our love grew so quickly

By Travis Grossen on Unsplash

Our next meeting, we met at the lake once again

Our little secret

We walked by the lake

Put our toes in the water

Chatted about our parents and the lives we have lived

Once again in your car our passion overtook us

We left for a hotel

I gave you myself

You did not disappoint

Our comfort with each other had grown

Our passion exploded

That afternoon so sensual



Naked beside you

We stared into each other’s eyes

My vulnerability felt exhilarating

Your touch invigorating

I wished to stay

Once again our lives pulled us away

By Annie Spratt on Unsplash

A few days later I told you I loved you for the first time

You were elated

We spoke of our parting with the love and pain we felt

I cried at the thought of your absence

I had never felt a bond so strong

Though I know life is pulling us different ways

I will enjoy the moments I spend with you till the last

You have my heart, that’s plain to see

So, I hope that you won’t break it

Because I long to dance with you even if its at a distance

I wrote this poem for a man I unexpectedly met at a bar one night. We both felt drawn to each other instantly and it blossomed into a beautiful love story. I longed for romance and through sheer coincidence I found it. When I sent him the poem he loved it and in turn wrote his own. With his permission I have included it below. However, he wished to remain anonymous.

By: My Anonymous Lover

Title: One Rainy Night

By Valentin Müller on Unsplash

One Rainy Night

Don’t know who you were

Didn’t know what you were like

Didn’t have to, intrigue filled all the gaps

Seeking we were not

Nothing specific nothing special

Explore we wanted to but neither had no maps

By GeoJango Maps on Unsplash

Perhaps a little warmth on a cold rainy night

Was all we were after,

Poor and penniless in a complicated world

With only our hearts to barter

But neither could keep it under wraps

Swapping affection with fluttering hearts

Body and mind in equal parts

By Mayur Gala on Unsplash

Involved with the game with little doubt and little fright but No Fight

All else forgotten no strife no plight

We hung on to each other tight

Wasn’t that a serendipitous night

Not worried about what might not, what might

Oh were we not a pretty sight

Bright we’re the moon the stars I’m sure

Though we couldn’t see them that cloudy rainy night

By Austin Tate on Unsplash

All in spite , we just were ready to take flight

No destination no path

Trust the journey we did with very little math

End up together or not

For a very long time or Naught

The best ways to be alive

Are the pursuits with no goals or paths

By Patrick Fore on Unsplash

love poems

About the Creator

Dianna Hoiland

My name is Dianna Robertson but I publish in my maiden name Hoiland. I am a 29 year old mother of 4 beautiful kids. 2 girls and 2 boys. Currently studying communications.

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