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Living With Color Again

Finding joy in all life's hues

By Courtney BurryPublished 3 years ago 1 min read
Image created by Canva Pro and Courtney Burry

My body is a landmine.

It’s been battered black and blue,

from some unknown affliction

that has torn my life in two.

I wallowed in self-pity,

finding solace in the grey.

I sat and mourned my losses,

losing sight of every day.

But then my daughter woke me

with her words so black and white.

She said, “Mom, please live your life.”

And I knew that she was right.

I gave myself the green light

to banish the grief and pain.

I set about finding ways

to reclaim my life again.

I know I may be different

from the person I once knew.

But I’m tickled pink to see

this new me that’s shining through.

Now life is full of color.

Oranges, greens, pinks and blues.

I've given myself license

to cherish life’s varied hues.

Red is the fire inside me,

driving me to never quit.

Yellow is unfettered joy,

positivity and grit.

Purple is all life’s wisdom

and the lessons I’ve learned well.

Cobalt gives me clarity.

A serene and quiet spell.

Pink is for my playful side,

finding laughter and delight.

Green balances out my life.

Nature’s gentle healing light.

Orange spurs creative sparks

to imagine what could be.

Flesh is raw fragility,

Acceptance and empathy.

My life is not quite golden

but I think it’s quite sublime,

for even in my illness,

my colors have learned to shine.

surreal poetry

About the Creator

Courtney Burry

I love to use satire and humor. I write about travel, politics, family, feminism, sports, health & music. So, basically everything.

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