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Lily's Bloom

Dispelling gloom

By Raymond InosantoPublished 6 months ago 1 min read
Lily's Bloom
Photo by Rafael Zamora on Unsplash

Amongst the petals of a lily's bloom,

Their essence lingers, dispelling gloom.

The fragrance of yesteryears, sweet and rare,

A whispered promise in the evening air.

Through the whispers of rustling leaves,

A symphony of remembrance gently weaves.

Footprints in the sand, washed by the tide,

In the eternal dance, where spirits abide.

The celestial choir, a chorus sublime,

Serenading souls across the boundless time.

In the vast expanse of the cosmic sea,

Departed echoes find serenity.

As the nightingale trills its mournful song,

A lullaby for the departed, sweet and strong.

With every verse, a star is born,

A celestial beacon, a radiant morn.

So, let the pen dance upon the parchment's face,

In the ballad of departed, leave a trace.

For in the realm where memories gleam,

The departed live on, in the poet's dream.

Your support helps to fuel my passion for writing. If you'd like it, it truly warms my heart.

- Raymond

surreal poetrysad poetryheartbreak

About the Creator

Raymond Inosanto

Raymond a Filipino writer who's life and writing are intertwined in a narrative of courage, vulnerability, and resilience.

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