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Lift Your Voice!

Speak queen and stand strong King.

By Soul SistahPublished 4 years ago 1 min read

Lift your voice and let your words speak of passion and power that echoes through the hallways where we were once segregated and separated because our presence was intimidating.

Let us not be limited by our fears or be doubtful after being mocked by our enemies and peers. We are King and queens of this generation so let's stop fighting one another and build together a nation that will allow us to break generational curses and build generations of wealth.

Yes, we want to be equal but being equal starts with self. Self-esteem, self-love, self value and self- worth, how can we expect to be better if we don't put us first. Lift your voice to break stereotypes and to change societies expectations, don't allow yourself to be limited to potential when you have what it takes.

Lift your voice to sing and show love to every black King and queen who were victims of racial violence. Stop being afraid of the oppressor who intimidates you to stay silent, sing of our ancestors past and remember it is us and only us who can create that revolution while embarking on this path of enlightenment.

So hold your head up Kings and queens cause we got this....lift your voice and change the status quo.


About the Creator

Soul Sistah

Content creator and writer.

Welcome to my world, come inside and let my poetic vibes soothe your soul, while my words echo in your mind and leave you wanting more.

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