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The stereotype of a Sista

Never judge a book by its cover.

By Soul SistahPublished 4 years ago 2 min read

Loud and ghetto to a T, this is the perception they have of me. Bad attitude and eyes that could roll all the way to the back of your head. She may not be classy but she definitely might be good in bed. Don't wife her, one night her and leave the money on the night stand, go ghost no follow back or post that makes her wonder where y'all stand.

Sista, sista you've been warned of the things they say about you. Nevertheless, despite their grotesque I got you. I see a queen with big dreams and a mind filled with ideas that will change the world. While society keeps labeling you just another ghetto girl.

The brainwashing from the oppressors and the media stops today cause us sistas got something to say. You may look at me with unamused eyes and even turn your nose up, but this sista is going to rise.

Does my melanin offend you? Why are you so upset? Cause I walk like a queen and talk like a goddess that lives life with no regret. Do you feel your labels will decrease my self-esteem? Does it make you sleep better when you diminish and belittle my dreams? A sista with an attitude of passion, her loud mouth speaks words of knowledge not aggression.

She rolls her eyes at those who refuse to give her the respect she deserves and as for her class she has surpassed and shown that she is beyond a one night stand. This sista deserves to be treasured and pleasured with intimacy so deep that her soul escapes her body while freeing her mind.

Your labels only push her to keep going as she disregards the unkind notions that she is valueless. See this is what happens when you love yourself because the words no longer hurt.

She is beyond your stereotypical perception because she knows her worth and has shown she is the real true God a.k.a mother Earth. So, before you go down talking this queen remember who she is and respect the goddess cause she and her king was here first.


About the Creator

Soul Sistah

Content creator and writer.

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