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Life’s audition

The journey of life

By Chauntelle APublished 3 years ago 2 min read

A taste of Stardom can be bittersweet

Life is like a long audition

it's filled with a mixture of lengthy and short performances

There are auditions for which those characters we nailed

We work within those roles waiting for things to just click sometimes

While others roles we simply don't fit

but they become a growing experience strengthening our chops for the next perfect role

Some are more dramatic or more horrific roles than others

We experience them to test our strength and tenacity to hone our craft

Other roles are for comedic relief more lighthearted suited for dealing with the day-to-day struggles

In life’s audition, we get many roles

we are the supporting cast for other's journey

Then we have the starring role

Many times even are the background to others' stories

But each role serves a purpose

Without these auditions, our life wouldn't be worth living

See, in the audition, we don't always see the entire story

how it plays out only the synopsis

A glance at a script for a part can change your life

Paying more attention to the roles bringing pleasure and grief

until we get the performance where we experience our glorious breakout moments

We are constantly testing on our suitability for the production we hope to get

Occasionally we pick up the role expectancy but the director sees something in us

casting us in a unique role for which we stand out

we must sometimes go through the motions trying to fit the part as we imagined

But everything will align perfectly for a fleeting moment

although our role is changing

I will tackle the script

I know on the perfect role will be a long journey

And my voyage has begun

Since these auditions have been tough

Often the right part came along at the wrong time

or the wrong role comes around at an hour of desperation

Periodically seeing roles aren’t what we expected

often giving up appearances, or being fired when it’s not right the match

The change can take us by surprise

but now that I won my role of the leading lady

The jobs come for varying lengths of stage or screen time

They last during various seasons and reasons.

During life, we get many roles, some make us infamous in other's lives

but the precise role cast us in the hearts of many

through time and experience,

I've learned self-discovery and growth are the best tools to land that perfect role

so when you find that perfect character it no longer feels like an audition

it becomes the part you’re destined to play

so now I'm fit to shine because it's my time

My star is ready for greatness

social commentary

About the Creator

Chauntelle A

Poet and podcaster for Poetic fortuity about current events and poetry. I have a 3-minute faith collection of mini messages. Attested resilience tells the comeback story after a setback.

My poetry book:


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