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It all starts with us.

Aiyana Rosel

By Aiyana Rosel.Published 4 years ago 1 min read

Do we want to spend our lives,

Hiding in the darkness of our shadows,

Looping in the patterns of our childhood traumas,

Recreating the ancestral karma passed down our lineage,

Feeling stuck in the monotony and density of our fears and insecurities,

Creating new beginnings on shaky foundations, only to break it down once again,

I've seen beyond it,

To a place of freedom and liberation,

A reality where miracles are commonplace,

Where we have the courage to take leaps of faith,

To rediscover the depths of our authentic self,

To open our hearts,

Knowing with certainty we have a whole world to explore around us,

Where the present moment is so beautiful,

That we have no thought of the future,

No need to drag along the past behind us,

We are simply here,

In the moment,

Trusting in the journey,

Knowing that when we fall, we are shedding the density,

So that we can rise even higher,

To align with the life that was really meant for us to experience,

It is always here waiting for us,

Waiting for us to cease chasing our tails,

Look up,

And see the light of the stars shining above us,

The beauty of this earth, waiting to be witnessed,

It's here, already,

A new beginning,

In every moment,

Just waiting for us to shift our frequency,

To tune in and align with a heaven thats always been accessible,

It's all here already, waiting for us to choose it,

It's always been within us,

Waiting for us to lighten up,

To really see,

It all starts with us.


About the Creator

Aiyana Rosel.

Poet. Adventurer. Nature explorer. Modern mystic.

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